Agenda item

Community Information Exchange


Please share anything you would like to promote in our weekly newsletter to

Rashmi stated that he was very concerned about the VOI scooters being left all over the place.  It made things very difficult for the visually impaired to navigate.  This was seconded by Pete.  Action: Debbie to continue efforts to get someone to attend the next meeting.  He also informed the group of the Northamptonshire Black Communities Together launch next week (invite sent separately).


Anthony – NHFT – Maternal Mental Health Service hoped to have a launch date soon and would be able to give more information at the next meeting. 

Cat – working on a community project which was general but had specific links to those with disabilities looking at improving the lives of trans people.  There was a lot of dangerous misinformation out there and a disturbing  trend for stopping autistic trans people from accessing services, this had been upheld in Court.  There were some organisation for help including Q Space for young people and Trangst for adults.


Paul SEMLEP – Paul was working at top level strategy level so was unsure what he had to offer the group.   Working on removing barriers into work and with close involvement with Track NN.  Trying to work more with employers and although the county was above the national average there were still cold spots.  There were some new community grants coming through over the next few months to help provide training advice aimed at target groups which included those with disabilities, ethnic minority groups, women returning to work, over 50’s.  Paul will send links when available.


Alex – NCF – various grants available including made by Sport for organisations using sport to work with young people and Family Food Aid tackling food poverty.  Anyone requiring more information visit the website Northamptonshire Community Foundation ( and contact Alex by email


Paul – SEND 4 Dads were organising some social events again with a foot golf event for Father’s Day.  He was currently looking for funding opportunities.


Graeme Wilson – Northants Sport - Northants Local Offer were looking for articles & things to promote in their next SNIX newsletter for young disabled people up to 25 years old + their families. Deadline for submitting them is next Friday 11th June. Please send to Special Needs Index (SNIX) - Special educational needs and disability (SEND) support ( Local Offer (

The visually impaired have a go day in conjunction with British Blind Sport was well received - First 'Have a go Day' for people with visual impairments is a success | 

Fish–A–Bility project Has People Hooked on Angling!

A recent project delivered by Northampton Nene Angling Club (NNAC) has proved to be a massive success in attracting a large number of participants from a variety of groups facing inequalities.


Although Park Runs were unable to start again yet, Junior Parkruns at Northampton’s Racecourse and in Daventry at the Sports Park had started again.   More details can be found using the links below.

 Northampton Racecourse junior parkrun

home | Daventry junior parkrun | Daventry junior parkrun

Graeme also asked if there were plans to widen the forum to encompass what had been Daventry and South Northants Council.  Debbie responded that we already had members from across the county but could promote the forum more actively.


Pete had contacted North Northamptonshire to enquire whether there were going to be any forums for the North and was waiting for a response.