Agenda item

Budget 2020-21 Risk Review

(Copy herewith)


The Chief Finance Officer presented the report and highlighted that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee had considered certain parts of the draft budget and had concentrated on risks; in particular homelessness and the fact that the budget had increased from £0.5 million to £1 million. Recruitment had taken longer than was anticipated.


The Committee was advised of the budget approval process.


The Committee made comment, asked questions and heard:


·         The Vulcan works was subsidised by Euro grants

·         Housing is the main risk, for example, can enough be acquired through new homes can be acquired, buy backs and key worker construction etc.  There was the assumption that the new homes bonus would continue but it had finished earlier than had been expected.




           1 That the Audit Committee considered the issues in relation to risk within the budget proposals for 2020/2021 and provided comment as detailed above.


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