Agenda item
Derrick Simpson and Andy Leighton - Town Centre Management and Highways
Derrick Simpson – manager of the bus station – multi story car parks – events etc.
Andy Leighton – Northamptonshire Highways – Keir and WSP.
AL – all know at the moment of the pressure on NCC funding etc but still undertaking statutory functions.
RR: This winter – gritting of roads and footpaths – more of a problem for those who are older with less mobility.
AL: Gritting service has been reduced but only to how it was in 2000. Footpaths have always been from the grit bins.
AT: We used to have people come along in their cars and take a bag of the grit out which is an issue.
The bins are set outside of the perimeter on the pavement, this gave them the access, if this was set inside, this might make a difference.
AL: Grit bins have to be situated on a public highway so that’s why it will be found outside the boundaries of NPH housing.
TM: 240 parish councils will be supplied with these bins.
AL: A lot of parishes actually pay for their own.
BN: A letter in the Chronicle about the remembrance day service being marred by the homelessness problem in Northampton. Duvet’s and tents left everywhere yet if a member of the public litter they get fined on the spot. Letter expresses how the individual is embarrassed by the town now.
DS: NBC/Police are doing everything in power to address these issues. Have been offered help, a lot have health and or mental health problems and many suffer with addiction. There are places such as the Hope Centre and the Night Shelter but they have to meet certain rules.
Have been in contact with property owners, but it is not illegal to sleep in doorways and leave your belongings there. They only have to move if asked by the property owners. A lot of these people choose this lifestyle and we do look to address this problem but the government hasn’t given councils the power and we cannot physically remove them unless they are breaking any laws. Fines are issued as they are breaching rules but they often do not have the means to pay it. Over 150 homeless have been supported but it is a cycle. Our good work has also hindered us as people from out of town and out of county then make their way here for help.
BN: This council is trying to get people to shop locally, I go to market Harborough and Olney etc. this is not prevalent in those towns, there must be something attracting them here, but this is driving local residents away.
DS: Being targeted to be helped. We have lost a lot of the larger companies but there has been an increase in the smaller independent business setting up here.
NS: The bus station has many faults that could be pointed out and cameras could be added to look at the problems there etc.
DS: Worse north than south, need ANPR but need central governments permission first. This was progressing nicely, then County Issues arose and then this was put on hold for a while. This has now been re-discussed and NPR should be put in in the future and Bradshaw Street will be made one way.
There has been discussions about what needs to be put in place before Greyfriars is used again.
When ANPR is installed, will be able to track all vehicles that have not been registered.
There will be cameras top and bottom.
NS: Traffic wardens could issue notices.
DS: Traffic wardens can only issue notices on parked cars.
TM: Where there any good points made at last night’s meeting?
DS: Place of storage for homeless belongings.
Veolia are being given 12 months to get up to standard from where it was left.
idverde also will be doing work to landscape and get the right plants in, cut back foliage where necessary etc.
How to make vacant premises look better with posters and vinyl’s etc.
That the council do no own all the lots in the town centre.
Looking to create more in the town centre, different activities and event such as arts/crafts/music etc. to bring different people into the centre.
TM: Lived in Northampton from birth and didn’t know that the county hall had found out that they had a nice garden, this could be something to attract people in.
RR: Overstone Road factory, said that a 2 year rule was going to be introduced. That something had be done with it in the 2 years.
DS: It would have to be part of a grander development to put such restrictions on.
TM: Asked why this couldn’t be made into something relating to Northampton, something involved with leather and shoes.
BN: Did anyone raise the question at last night’s meeting of laying on some sponsored entertainment? Thinking about something like a flash mob/orchestra.
FN/DN: Paths full of rubbish, dead wood and the plants are wrong and overgrown. Trees are also overgrown and are blocking the street lights.
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