Agenda item

Any Other Business


JC: Was the question of the time change asked by Vicki Rockall to the Forum? When the name was changed, Forum members were asked but it doesn’t seem to have happened this time? Did it?


JH: We had a discussion about low attendance and cancellations so we changed to 11am-1pm to try and combat this.


PW: It seems from the report that more people attended the daytime meeting and there were positive outcomes from that meeting so we have looked to continue in the daytime.


JC: On the Borough Councils website, was it sent to all the people on the Diverse Communities list?

MM: No it was not sent out, the decision was made in the forum.


JC: I have had to take time off of work for this meeting, this is making it harder for people to work. The Police have asked different communities, what is the best time for them? Then they changed it to that date.


PW: We need to look at whether or not the times need to be alternated or not? What type of actions and outcomes are you looking for from this Forum?


JC: People are going to come for the agenda items, if it is something they really want to come to, in the daytime some people will not be able to make it.

It is wrong to compare Diverse Communities to other forums and change things because the performance didn’t match that of the Women’s Fourm.


JH: It seems that the inactivity of the forum is a reason for this change.


MC: I used to chair the equality forum, but because of many changes I can see why people may not be able to attend when they used to be able to attend. It is difficult because the daytime will attract mostly professionals, it may be best to alternate times. Healthwatch Northamptonshire hold volunteer meetings in the day time and know they’re missing key people in the community who work.


AR: It is about listening to the community, the process of the change needs to be made correct. The Borough website comms said it was in the evening, so there was some confusion. Even though the minutes said 11am, the forum was missed because the website was looked at.

The support of the new officers may have an impact on a more successful forum.


JC: It is also about the items on the agenda, it doesn’t matter if it is daytime/evening.

Day to day people will be looking at what effects their lives, I feel it is the same for people of other communities.


PW: We will speak with Cllr King and Vicki Rockall to make a decision or to think of steps to help the forum to move forward and make the forum suitable for as many as possible.

JC: I asked for the Windrush Scandal to be added onto the agenda. People have been concerned about this story and nothing has been done at local level. What else is there in Northampton that people can attend and listen to professionals? This is a place to address these issues.


JH: This may be an issue for Parliament.


JC: It will be difficult to get one of those to attend.


AR: Unless you get Theresa May in, nothing is going to be answered. The best thing to do would to get an immigration advice service in to give the best information. It is illegal to give immigration advice unless you are qualified.


ACTION: Windrush Scandal – MM to find out who the relevant speakers are.


MC: If there was an issue like this previously, we had a “special” meeting where people could speak in a theatre type style.


MC: If something is in place, the Windrush event at the boy’s school on June 10th would be a good place to promote the event.


JC: We have to be careful not to mix the Windrush Scandal with immigration.


MC: Morcea Walker may have some contacts.


MMu: We try to bring social awareness to different issues in the community by storytelling.


LC: Johnson Underwood is an independent recruitment consultant. We are in the early stages and making a plan for young people in Northamptonshire to get into work, no matter what their background.

If you know issues that affect people in your community getting employments, we can build more information to help them and provide a place for them to come and ask questions.


JC: Have you made links with the job centre?

LC: Yes we have strong links with the job centre.


JW: Talked through the St James week of action and the fund day. Passed out leaflets to all forum members.


JC: I didn’t hear about the Racecourse event and I live near the park, it would be good to get a Week of Action flyer out at the beginning of the year.


PC: How would we get involved with this as we are moving to St James?

JW: You would contact me.


AR handed out more information about the Race Act 40 Exhibition in Wellingborough and Stephen Lawrence day which is on April 22nd.

AR to send call to action meeting 4th June info to MM to circulate.

MC: There is a steering group for voluntary voice, the group has been in contact with over 80 organisations but there really does need to be representation from smaller BME groups. There is a FB page Voluntary Voices Northamptonshire. There will be a poll with how local people and community organisations have been affected by austerity.

We (Connected Together) will now be starting to look at helping BME groups with advice and so on.


ACTION: Add Connected Together to a future agenda.


MC: I would highly recommend Johnson Underwood as I was unemployed and they helped me find work and gave me plenty of advice.


PC: Do you help employ students who may be looking for part time work?

LC: We do not but it is important knowing about that issue.

CJ: It is more difficult to find advice now, it used to be easier in schools as a there were careers advisors but it could be something we could do here and there for students who are struggling with CV writing, interviews, experience etc.


PC: There will be a procession from St Georges to St James. The new Waterside Connect building will be a place of worship and a community centre all in one. We are trying to help the businesses around our centre, we are promoting things that the other centres may not have such as a gym and a Punjabi café.


MC: Advice would be to think about how your market your community spaces so you do not damage the other centres around your area.


MMu: From Power of the Mind Story Telling Community – hoping to engage with all communities. At the minute, looking to compile stories from LGBT community. There will be a Windrush event with speakers from the effected community to share experiences. This will take place at Kingsthorpe Community Hall.


CJ: Storytelling with autism would be great for you to champion too.