Agenda item
Dementia Action Alliance - Jacqueline Parkes
JP gave background to Dementia Action Alliance (DAA). Working on making Northampton a Dementia Friendly town.
JP works at University of Northampton and is a mental health nurse. Spare time leading the University strategy to work on Dementia.
Focussed on educating workforces and is operating a flagship project to launch a post Diagnostic Support Centre.
Very keen to listening to the public. Lots of engagement work. Become Chair of DAA took over from Veronica Male. It is a social movement creating awareness. Do not have a cure for Dementia but starting to get people supportive of Dementia.
Dementia is an umbrella term –there are over 100 different types of Dementia. Can happen to people of all ages. Dementia is growing fast. Aging population and people living longer. Looking at alternative sources of care. Have to have a strategy to keep vast majority at home.
Looking at major changes of care. Heavily involved in looking at villages being created.
Identified various areas that need to be reviewed are developing this. Helping to develop a document for Northamptonshire.
Exploring with working with the Police.
Looking at having a Patient Forum for people with Dementia and Carers and working with NBC to deliver this.
Changemaker Uni – look at how we educate our professionals. Won award last year for Post Diagnostic Support. Provide activities for people who are diagnosed and for the carers. Referrals to come through memory clinics.
Q: Is there a high incidence of Dementia of people who live in busy roads?
A: No. Other universities looking into this. Looking at why people getting Dementia in their 30s and 40s. Over 100 different types of Dementia. Have halved the number of men in their 50s in getting vascular Dementia by telling people to look after their hearts and to manage blood pressure. Lots we do know and lots we don’t.
Q: Are you linked with Healthwatch? Healthwatch builds volunteers. Can link into this.
A: Yes will be linking in a more focussed way.
Q: What are basic tell-tale signs of Dementia?
A: Look at behaviour change in somebody. People can have it for years before they show signs. Maybe doing things out of character.
Q: How successful is the technology for assessment?
A: It is helpful. They don’t just have one problem. Have to have brain scan.
Q: What is the referral rate from the Doctor?
A: There is always gonig to get a slight cognitive decline and not necessarily form Dementia. Have had 67% referral rate. People are frightened to go to the Doctor. There is a stigma around the illness. Lots of misdiagnosis. Can take 5 years to diagnose youngsters.
Post Diagnostic support is not fully supported.
Q: Is there treatment to slow it down?
A: Some conditions can be slowed down but not cured. Still don’t know what’s triggering it. It is a concern. When profile is raised you will see an increase in cases.
Q: If someone has impact on the brain do they get Dementia?
A: There is a correlation. More common with people with brain damage. Look for communication, orientation, language issues.
Q: Not enough information with BME groups.
A: Invite JP to Diverse Communities Forum
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