Agenda item

N/2016/0083 - Demolish existing dwelling and erect residential development of up to 12 dwellings, access road and associated works. (Outline application including details of access) - 135 Harlestone Road

(Copy Herewith)


The Development Management Team Leader submitted a report on behalf of the Head of Planning and elaborated thereon. The Committee heard that this outline application sought to demolish the existing property to make way for 12 dwellings, an access road and associated works. They were also informed that although there were trees on site that were subject to Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) along the south-eastern boundary, it was considered that conditions would be put in place at the reserved matters stage to ensure there was no unacceptable adverse impact on the protected trees. It was noted that the dwellings would contribute towards the Council’s 5-year housing supply. There were no objections raised from NCC Highways Authority nor from NCC Lead Local Flood Authority, the latter being subject to a condition for the submission of a surface water drainage scheme for the site. In addition the Committee were informed that prior to any commencement of construction, a full ecology report was to be undertaken.


Mr R Gardner, resident at 29 The Lawns, addressed the Committee, citing concerns regarding security and scenery. He noted that the survey by NBC’s Arboricultural Officer was carried out in 2013 and argued that this was no longer relevant information. He also noted that he and other residents had frequently seen not just bats, but owls, tits and other wildlife in and around the area. He stated that the erection of more dwellings in the area had the potential to lead to subsidence in those, as well as neighbouring properties. He stated that this application did not comply with Policies H3 and H4 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan. He commented that the size of the access road would restrict the ability of the emergency services to reach the properties easily. Mr Gardner ended by saying that he and his neighbours had been long-standing residents since the properties on The Lawns had been built in 1987.


Ms Sinead Turnbull from DLP Planning addressed the Committee, stating that comprehensive consultation had taken place at every stage of the application and that it was accepted in principle by NBC’s Planning Officers. She stated that the dwellings could be built without significant impact on neighbouring properties and that the development would not impact the protected trees. Furthermore, this development would contribute to the 5 year housing supply. Ms Turnbull noted that the application was outline only and that detailed matters would be subject to further consultation and a reserved matters application.


In response to questions asked, the Development Management Team Leader stated that there were no specific guidelines on separation distance between windows, however the indicative plans drawn up, showed the closest distance was 26m. Although not applicable planning guidelines stated that when building extensions, the Council’s guidance sought a distance of no less that 21m back to back distances between properties it was felt that in this instance the 26m distance fell well above those guidelines. It was noted that with regard to the Duston Neighbourhood Plan, although policy H4 referred to backland development, the garden in question was of considerable size and it was the opinion of officers that the potential development benefits outweighed the harm to the area.


Members of the Committee welcomed the comments made and agreed that there were no reasons on a Planning basis to refuse the application; the site was large enough, concessions would be made to minimise disruption to the protected trees and privacy disruption would be minimal.




That the application be APPROVED subject to the conditions as set out below and for the following reason:


The principle of residential development of the site for up to 12 dwellings was considered acceptable and would contribute towards the Council’s 5-year housing supply. Subject to the conditions below, the development would not lead to undue impacts on the character of the area, adjacent residential amenity, trees, ecology and highway conditions in accordance with the aims and objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework, Policies SA, S3, S10, H1, BN3 and BN7 of the West Northamptonshire Joint Core Strategy, Policies E20 and H10 of the Northampton Local Plan and Policy OP1 of the Duston Neighbourhood Plan.


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