Agenda item

Northants Fire and Rescue


Northants Fire and Rescue Service - Debbie Samwell and Hazel Gray

Northants Fire and Rescue are consulting with the community on their Draft Community Protection Plan. DS gave a presentation on the plan – ACTION: To be circulated with the minutes.



Cllr Oldham asked for clarity around the 8 minute timescale for a response. DS gave an explanation of how areas were historically designated into categories and had different response times – A risk – city, B risk - large town (8 mins) , C risk – large village (10 mins), D risk – small village (20 mins). Later, risk standards all become localised, and Northamptonshire set all response times at 8 minutes. However, 8 minutes is now a little tight to achieve; 10 minutes is more achievable, and a reasonable time to get to a house with someone on the phone providing risk critical and safety advice. After the time of recognising a fire, you are likely to have an hour upstairs in a new build house to evacuate. The response time starts as the phone call is made.

TM commented that NPH now have a zero tolerance approach to the storing of items that could be seen as a fire hazard in communal areas. TM asked whether problems are being caused for the Fire Service due to the town expanding and there being greater pressure on traffic. DS advised that she can get more information on new builds and can see if a talk can be delivered.

DS advised that every call in answered nationally within a 5-7 second target. Within 60 seconds upon receiving a call, a fire engine will be mobilised. If the fire is a house fire, three engines are automatically sent from different directions.

VM asked what is in place for those who do not have the capacity to understand advice given on the phone around risk management and safety. DS advised that the fire service have links with BT, who provide a service for those that are hard of hearing or cannot understand what is being said. There is a facility to speak through someone at BT, or type on a screen etc. DS also advised that questioning techniques are used by those on the phones, to find out further information.

BN asked about how risk is assessed for own firefighters. DS advised that staff are never put into dangerous situations. Always assessing the risk and ensure their safety is paramount.

DH commented that Northamptonshire has always has the lowest spend in terms of the service in the Country, and that current changes are being driven by austerity. DH also raised concerns about the safety of crew, and claimed that 9 crew were sent to hospital after the Carlsberg incident. DH also shared concerns that if another major incident had occurred at that time, the service wouldn’t have been able to cope. DS advised that in the case of the Carlsberg incident, crew were taken to the hospital as a precautionary measure due to the chemical on site – all were given the all clear. DS acknowledged DH’s comments that the service is stretched, there are some issues with the availability of vehicles, but the service have never not attended a fire. Across the county, there are 28 fire appliances. At the Carlsberg incident, 6 fire appliances were in attendance.  County resources are pooled, and if the Northampton pumps are busy, appliances will be brought across from other areas, such as Corby and Wellingborough, on standby. If strapped, the service will also pull across appliances from across borders, e.g. Leicestershire. Cllr Oldham asked whether this would add to the response time. DS advised that the service plans ahead, and if an appliance is stuck at an incident, an appliance will move across to the area to be available in case an incident occurs, which negates a longer response time.


JR commented that the Home Fire Safety Checks were of great value. DS advised that the Fire Service are looking to expand this service to also include crime prevention advice.


JR asked whether there is a possibility of the Fire Service going under the Police and Crime Commissioners Office – if so, he opposed this idea. DS advised that there is another consultation currently under way regarding the governance of the service. There are three options: for the service to remain the same under the County Council as the Fire Authority, for the service to be moved across to the PCC’s remit, or for the service to remain the same but for the PCC to come onto the Fire Authority. DS advised that if the decision is for the service to remain the same, this doesn’t prohibit the collaborative working that has already been developed with the Police service – this is currently working very well.


Cllr Oldham asked whether calls are ranked into level of risk. DS advised that incidents are not graded; no matter what a response is provided.

It was agreed that having the Fire Service in attendance at Forum meetings would be of benefit going forward, to be used as a focus group. ACTION: to be invited to a future meeting in a few months’ time to provide an update.

Consultation documents can be found here:


For a paper copy, or for further information, please contact Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service , email: , Telephone: 01604 797000