Agenda item
Cabinet Member Presentations
Councillor Nunn, the Leader of the Council, submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He noted the findings of the Internal Auditors Report and reiterated an apology to the residents of Northampton for the serious shortcomings that had been highlighted in the report. He referred to the Transformation Programme which had been conceived by the former leader of the Council, Councillor M Markham and noted the progress that was being made. The Leader explained that with regards to Unitary Status, it was an issue that remained on the national agenda. He noted the popularity of the concept of a Unitary Northampton with an enlarged boundary, but that the Government were seeking proposals from areas where all councils involved would need to reach an agreement with Northampton’s neighbouring councils for boundaries to be extended.
In response to questions asked, Councillor Nunn commented that with regards to the Transformation Programme, any Councillor who wanted to gauge the effectiveness should speak to staff directly and in reference to Unitary Council, he stated that the Council had commissioned a piece of work to be undertaken which he anticipated would be shared with all group leaders at some time in the future. Responding to further questions raised, relating got the PwC report, Councillor Nunn stated that a Governance Action Plan was underway and assured Council that any future major projects would go through the proper process. Responding to a question asked about why extra funding for the Football Club loan had been taken under delegated powers, Councillor Nunn explained that he had not been a member of the Cabinet at that time but that he would enforce following proper procedures and recommendations would be referred back to Cabinet in the future.
Councillor Larratt submitted his Cabinet Member report elaborated further by noting that on Saturday 17th December 2016 a Christmas market would be held on the Market Square and that there would be a competition to see the most festive decorated stall. He further noted highlighted a number of Councillor Training sessions that had been diarised and referred to in the report and asked that should any of the members have any further ideas with regards to training sessions, they should contact him as working groups often benefited from further ideas from Councillors.
In response to questions asked, Councillor Larratt explained that whilst he had sympathy with concerns raised with regards to the number of betting shops, he had no control over those present on the Market Square. He commented that he was concerned with the Markets traders and stalls and stated that the Market Advisory Group had been making progress although he questioned the attendance record of the Labour nominee. Responding to queries relating to street lighting, Councillor Larratt explained that they would need to work with the County Council to develop some heritage lighting. He further reported that he appreciated that a lack of lightings in some Council run-parks was concerning and stated that he would look at lights being provided as a matter of urgency and would take it up with the County Council.
Councillor Hadland, submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He noted that he had recently attended the Small Business Saturday event and reported that there had been a lot of positivity and optimism amongst local small businesses. Responding to questions asked, Councillor Hadland stated that he was not aware of the costs of the Danes Camp lift, but that he would find out and relay the information. He clarified that the loan to Delapre Abbey was to benefit the whole of the Town and that it would essentially be for the residents of the Town; referring to questions relating to transparency, Councillor Hadland confirmed that the details and figures were being analysed and would be considered in the New Year. In answer to further questions, Councillor Hadland explained that there was a big difference between neighbourhood plans and unitary plans and that the boundaries would be clarified in the future.
Councillor Hallam submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated further by commented that following a meeting with the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny, a scoping session would be held on the 4th January 2017 to look at the Environmental Services contract. He also reported that in 2017, the Council would be re-instating the Abington Park Train, which had previously been ruined by vandals and was previously a much loved feature of the park. In response to questions asked, Councillor Hallam stated that the timescales of the Low Emission Strategy had been published in the Scrutiny Papers and that the installation of additional litterbins would be extended to Kettering and Wellinborough Road in due course. Referring to the reversal of the Council’s previous policy on damaged play equipment, he noted that he would clarify whether this would extend to areas including those occupied by Northampton Partnership Homes. He further noted that leaf blowers would be used in the Eastern area of Northampton. He thanked the previous Cabinet Member for Environment, Councillor Bottwood, for his work in securing new play equipment.
Councillor Hibbert submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated further by thanking all of the officers and the volunteers who had worked hard on the Nighshelter project. He commented that there had recently been a rough sleeper’s count that had been undertaken with the help of volunteers and that 9 rough sleepers had been identified and commented that he considered the rough sleepers strategy to be working. In response to questions asked, Councillor Hibbert explained that he Social Lettings Agency would assist in getting the right homes for the right people and stated that whilst he did not want to house in neighbouring towns, it was preferable to people being homeless.
At this juncture of the meeting, the Mayor informed Council that time restrains had drawn the Cabinet Member Presentations to a close.
Supporting documents:
Report - Leader - 12 Dec (Autosaved), item 7.
REPORTS - Full Council - December 2016, item 7.
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