Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(Copy herewith)


The Leader of the Council submitted her Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. She commented that having met with PwC to review the internal audit draft report she had welcomed numerous recommendations that had been made which were being put into place. She further elaborated on the Borough Council’s Business Incentive Scheme, which the Council had committed £50,000 for improvements to be done with landlords contributing more that £300,000 towards the enhancement of their buildings, improving the overall appearance of the Town Centre.


In response to questions asked, the Leader explained that the Administration had instigated a Police Investigation into the loan of money to Northampton Town Football Club as well as conducting an internal and external audit investigation into the matter and assured Members that once the work had been undertaken and completed it would be shared with members of the public.



The Deputy Leader of the Council submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He reported that there had been numerous events held on the Market Square over the summer months that had been very successful, including ‘The Beach’ and a number of other events of entertainment which had increased the vibrancy of the Town Centre. He further noted that they had been extremely proud of the achievements of the Northamptonshire County Cricket Club and subsequent open top bus and civic reception that had been held on the 10th September 2016.


In response to questions asked, the Deputy Leader stated that he was not aware of an increase in the number of ‘Chuggers’ in the Town centre but would gladly meet with any Councillor who wished to raise concerns.


The Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning, submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He reported that the 7C Edgar Mobbs Way planning applications had been approved following finalisation of S106 agreements to secure highways improvement works. It was also noted that a planning application for the change of use of the former British Rail Social Club to a night shelter had been received and would be considered at the next Planning Committee meeting to be held on the 27th September 2016.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Hadland explained that the disposal of 14 Fish Street had been a sound decision and that consideration was altos given as an alternative to disposal of Council owned buildings and land. He also explained that a full and exhaustive consultation had been undertaken on Greyfriars for 2 very detailed proposals which were going to be progressed. He further explained that an independent survey had been commissioned which concluded that there was the market for another cinema in the Town Centre. He confirmed he supported the new strategy for parking standards.


The Cabinet Member for Environment submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon.  He reported that Northampton had received the Silver Guild Award as part of the East Midlands in Bloom competition and was also awarded for ‘Bringing Town into Bloom’ category.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Bottwood explained that he was working very hard with Enterprise to eradicate problem areas where Fly-tipping and rubbish dumping was prolific but called on fellow Councillors to help by using the phone app to alert officers so that it could be dealt with swiftly and explained that as the Town Centre itself was becoming less of a hot-spot for fly-tipping, so the wardens would fan out to other areas of the Borough. He further reported that he was unsure of the number of unpaid fixed penalty notices but assured Members that agents would ensure that those who had not paid would be pursued.


The Cabinet Member for Housing and Well-being submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He commented that the submission of the planning application for the former British Rail Social Club to a night shelter was a big step in the right direction and stated that if the application be approved by the Planning Committee it was expected that the shelter would be up and running by mid November 2016. He further reported that he had been involved in working collaboratively with the hospital to assess the needs of discharged patients in order to assist in facilitating the safe discharge of patients.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Hibbert explained that there was a very pressing need to get a firm grip on the problems faced by bed blocking and the discharge of patients and stated his commitment to working with multi-agency groups to assist in tackling the problem.


Councillor King submitted her Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. She explained that since the beginning of April 2016, 122 projects had been supported through the Councillor Community Fund. She further noted that there were 3 new Partnerships within the One-Stop-Shop; health Watch, Voluntary Impact and First for Wellbeing.


In response to questions asked, Councillor King explained that neither the shop, nor the bus stop in Thorpelands was under the control of the Council. She further reported that she would explore specific health facilities with the Youth Forum to consider the use and health implications of ‘vaping’ on young people.


At this juncture of the meeting, the Mayor explained that time restraints had drawn Cabinet Member reports to a close.

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