Agenda item
Notices of Motion
i) Councillor King to propose and Councillor Hallam to second
“This Council recognises the excellent work that has been undertaken by our forums, inter-faith groups and partner organisations to help promote community cohesion within the Town.
In particular Council recognises the excellent “Stamp Out Hate Crime” campaign previously undertaken by the Youth Forum and pledges to work with these groups to look at future campaigns which help promote community cohesion within the Town.
This Council also notes the Prime Minister’s recent announcement of the work the Government is doing in this area and the extra funding that is being made available.
This Council is committed to helping further this good work to ensure Northampton continues to be a diverse and tolerant town and one in which can be proud to live”
ii) Councillor Meredith to propose and Councillor Beardsworth to second
“Council recognises its ongoing obligation to the social housing tenants of Northampton, highlighted by Council member’s membership of the board of Northampton Partnership Homes.
Council notes with concern the many recent instances of poor quality repairs and maintenance of the housing stock.
Council resolves to work with Northampton Partnership homes to improve delivery of their contracts, the standard of maintenance work, and the general satisfaction of tenants”
iii) Councillor Smith to propose and Councillor Davenport to second
“One of the issues for shopping and retail areas in the town is commercial waste. Traders are responsible for taking out contracts with private waste collection services. These great big commercial bins have lids that should be kept locked.
However they are an eyesore and are visible all over the town. The lids are often not locked and bins are often overflowing with rubbish. The bins attract other refuse and so we often see fly-tipping and black sacks around the commercial bins. This in turn attracts vermin, rats, foxes, cockroaches.
This Council believes this cannot go on.This Council therefore agrees to take the following steps:-
1. Instruct planning officers not to allow new applications where waste bins cannot be kept off the street.
2. Work with existing traders to ensure their bins are labelled and locked.
3. To survey where the bins are left out on the streets and come up with local solutions agreed with traders to provide bin storage areas”
iv) Councillor Russell to propose and Councillor Haque to second
“We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our town. We condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.
Northampton Borough will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have support and resources needed to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia. We are a town of many of faiths.
We reassure all people living in Northampton that they are valued members of our community and this will long continue.”
v) Councillor Stone to propose and Councillor Culbard to second.
“This Council recognises the importance of Trade Unions in this local authority. The have played a crucial role in helping members of our staff.
As a good employer Northampton Borough Council welcomes the role of public sector unions looking after the interests of the staff. It is good for us as a council to have a way of negotiating pay and conditions with the staff. We do this through negotiations with union officers.
It is often through the unions that members of staff let us know if there are issues at work that need to be addressed. It is with this in mind that we would like to go on record as being an employer that encourages staff to join a public sector union.
We believe Trade Unions should play a big role in the Cultural Change programme currently being undertaken”.
Anjona Roy addresses Council on Motion i) and commented that she welcomed the motion from Councillor King and stated that it wsa right and proper for Hate Crime to be stamped out and commented that there had been an increase in reported Hate Crime since Brexit. She went on to suggest that there be a Hate Crime Officer employed by the Council.
i) Councillor King proposed and Councillor Hallam seconded:
“This Council recognises the excellent work that has been undertaken by our forums, inter-faith groups and partner organisations to help promote community cohesion within the Town.
In particular Council recognises the excellent “Stamp Out Hate Crime” campaign previously undertaken by the Youth Forum and pledges to work with these groups to look at future campaigns which help promote community cohesion within the Town.
This Council also notes the Prime Minister’s recent announcement of the work the Government is doing in this area and the extra funding that is being made available.
This Council is committed to helping further this good work to ensure Northampton continues to be a diverse and tolerant town and one in which can be proud to live”
Council debated the motion.
Upon a vote, the motion was carried.
ii) Councillor Meredith proposed and Councillor Beardsworth seconded:
“Council recognises its ongoing obligation to the social housing tenants of Northampton, highlighted by Council member’s membership of the board of Northampton Partnership Homes.
Council notes with concern the many recent instances of poor quality repairs and maintenance of the housing stock.
Council resolves to work with Northampton Partnership homes to improve delivery of their contracts, the standard of maintenance work, and the general satisfaction of tenants”
Council debated the motion.
Upon a vote, the motion was lost.
iii) Councillor Smith to propose and Councillor Davenport to second
“One of the issues for shopping and retail areas in the town is commercial waste. Traders are responsible for taking out contracts with private waste collection services. These great big commercial bins have lids that should be kept locked.
However they are an eyesore and are visible all over the town. The lids are often not locked and bins are often overflowing with rubbish. The bins attract other refuse and so we often see fly-tipping and black sacks around the commercial bins. This in turn attracts vermin, rats, foxes, cockroaches.
This Council believes this cannot go on. This Council therefore agrees to take the following steps:
1. Instruct planning officers not to allow new applications where waste bins cannot be kept off the street.
2. Work with existing traders to ensure their bins are labelled and locked.
3. To survey where the bins are left out on the streets and come up with local solutions agreed with traders to provide bin storage areas”
Council debated the motion.
Upon a vote, the motion was lost.
Anjona Roy addressed Council on Motion iv) and commented that she was part of an organisation that was addressing hate crimes and urged the Council to work closely with her and the campaign, called ‘More in Common – Hope not Hate’
iv) Councillor Russell proposed and Councillor Haque seconded:
“We are proud to live in a diverse and tolerant society. Racism, xenophobia and hate crimes have no place in our town. We condemn racism, xenophobia and hate crimes unequivocally. We will not allow hate to become acceptable.
Northampton Borough will work to ensure local bodies and programmes have support and resources needed to fight and prevent racism and xenophobia. We are a town of many of faiths.
We reassure all people living in Northampton that they are valued members of our community and this will long continue.”
Council debated the motion.
Upon a vote, the motion was carried.
v) Councillor Stone proposed and Councillor Culbard seconded.
“This Council recognises the importance of Trade Unions in this local authority. The have played a crucial role in helping members of our staff.
As a good employer Northampton Borough Council welcomes the role of public sector unions looking after the interests of the staff. It is good for us as a council to have a way of negotiating pay and conditions with the staff. We do this through negotiations with union officers.
It is often through the unions that members of staff let us know if there are issues at work that need to be addressed. It is with this in mind that we would like to go on record as being an employer that encourages staff to join a public sector union.
We believe Trade Unions should play a big role in the Cultural Change programme currently being undertaken”.
Council debated the motion.
Upon a vote, the motion was lost.
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