Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(Copy herewith)


The Leader of the Council submitted her Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. She noted the economic success of Northampton and reported that the Centre for Cities outlook had ranked Northampton as the highest performing town or city outside London for business start-ups and the second highest employment rate. She further announced that the Director of Regeneration, Enterprise and Planning was leaving and thanked him for his word and reported that he would be leaving a real legacy in the Town. She reported that Cabinet had adopted new policies for the regulation and enforcement if standards in the private rented sector and noted the cross party support and backing from the Landlords Forum. The Leader thanked all the Councillors who had supported her at the Big Sleep Out and noted that she had raised £1,439 in donations, with a couple of late donations having increased the total amount.


In response to questions asked, the Leader stated that pollution in the town centre had been an area flagged up by Councillor Bottwood as being an issue to be referred to Overview and Scrutiny. Responding to a further query, the Leader stated that the Social Lettings Agency (SLA) should be in place by the end of September 2016. In response to another question, the Leader stated that she would be attending a number of meetings with Leaders of other Councils and the Chief Executive to discuss unitary council status.


Councillor Hallam submitted his Cabinet Member report and noted that the Council was currently in a good financial position. He noted that as shown in the Medium Term Financial Plan that there were significant financial challenges that would face the Council and asked that if any Members had any suggestions to bridge the projected funding gap that they should speak to him so that they could be costed. In response to a question asked, Councillor Hallam explained that all information relating to the Northampton Town Football Club loan had been made available in the Cabinet report.


Councillor Bottwood submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. He stated that the mowing season was to start imminently and that it was hoped that there would be an increase in the number of parks awarded the green flag status to two additional parks. In response to questions asked, Councillor Bottwood confirmed that there would be a number of small events that would run alongside the Clean-Up for the Queen campaign. In response to a further question he stated that work was currently being undertaken to examine dredging the lakes at Thorplands and that the Council were engaged with a number of agencies to resolve the water flow issue.


Councillor Hibbert submitted his Cabinet Member report and commented that it was hoped that the new multi-agency Rough Sleepers Strategy would be published in June 2016. He noted that he had received very positive feedback from those Councillors who had received HIMO training. He spoke of the harrowing insight that had been provided for Councillors in raising awareness of Child Sexual Exploitation in Northampton and the training given to practical action that the Council could take. In response to questions asked Councillor Hibbert explained that a rough sleeps count was supposed to have been carried out in February but that it had been delayed, another one having been scheduled to take place in the very near future.  In response to questions asked, Councillor Hibbert stated that the administration was looking into the provision of emergency accommodation for people experiencing homelessness. In response to a further question asked relating to safeguarding children in HIMOs, Councillor Hibbert stated that the matter of this was dealt with my multiple agencies. He further noted that the temporary accommodation provided by the Council as fit for purpose and that if any Councillor were aware of properties that were not should contact him immediately.


Councillor Markham, in Councillor Hadlands’ absence, submitted his Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. In response to questions asked, the Leader confirmed that there was continued work with Network Rail for work to commence on the car park. With regards to work being undertaken at Greyfriars, it was noted that maps would be made available to the public in April 2016.


Councillor Eldred submitted his Cabinet Member report and explained that there were loads of events planned for 2016 including Music365, Race for Life and Diwali. It was further noted that the family of the artist Roberta Booth had donated “Earthworks 2”, one of her critically acclaimed pieces of work to the Northampton Museum and Art Gallery. In response to questions asked, Councillor Eldred confirmed that the Citizens Advice Bureau would be moving into the 1 stop shop in the near future.


Councillor King submitted her Cabinet Member report and elaborated thereon. She explained that International Women’s Day plans had been finalised that 4 winners had been shortlisted for the Inspirational Woman Award.


The Mayor, at this point, confirmed that period of time set aside for this item had been reached.

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