Agenda item

NBC Owned Street Lighting

The Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider a briefing about NBC owned street lighting.


Councillor Stephen Hibbert, Cabinet Member for Housing, presented a briefing note to the Committee that detailed an update on street lighting.


Councillor Hibbert highlighted the key points:


·         Street lights off the highway around some housing estates, including footpaths, garages, parking and pedestrian areas around blocks of flats are under the jurisdiction of Northampton Partnership Homes (NPH).

·         Extensive cataloguing and condition survey assessment work has been undertaken and work has commenced on converting and adapting this data for incorporation into NPH asset management databases, which covers all 12,000+ stock and neighbourhood areas where there are street lighting upkeep responsibilities for NPH.

·         So far there have been 8 reported repairs to street lighting maintained by NPH, a slight increase on the previous year

·         It was noted that NPH is due to embark on the planning and coordination of environmental improvements covering estates in a priority order. Works to existing lights and columns will be picked up and included in the wider environmental scope of works

·         In respect of the aim to improve safety of neighbourhoods, the Committee heard that additional lighting may be provided such as lampposts or high level lighting

·         The Northampton Standard is inclusive of the installation of front and rear security lights; which will improve home security and enhance overall lighting levels

The Committee asked questions, made comment and heard:


·         In response to a query how the public know the ownership of street lighting, the Committee heard that NBC owned street lights have a unique number so that any issues can be reported to Northampton Partnership Homes.

·         2% of stock has been repaired. The Cabinet Member was not aware of any that had been replaced but should there have been some replaced he would forward details to the Committee

·         Concern was raised regarding the lack of lighting in shopping centres such as the one located in Southfields. There is a need to establish who has responsibility for such areas.

·         The Committee suggested that it would be very useful for all ward Councillors to be issued win a map of where NBC owned street lights are located.  There is also a need for the location of NBC owned street lights to be plotted on the interactive map; including details  of the programme of renewal and replacement


The Chair suggested that the was a need for a Scrutiny Working Group to be set up that would investigate NBC street lighting including issues such as:


o   The production of a map detailing the location of NBC owned street lighting which could be disseminated to all ward Councillors

o   The location of NBC owned street lights to plotted on the interactive mapping system


It was suggested that Councillor Phil Larratt chairs the Working Group and the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee contacts the Committee inviting members to join the Working Group.


Councillor Hibbert was thanked for providing information to the Committee.


AGREED:      (1)That the report is noted.

            (2)That a Scrutiny Working Group (NBC owned Street Lighting), chaired by Councillor Phil Larratt., is set up

(3)That the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee contacts the Committee inviting members to join the Working Group (NBC owned Street Lighting)


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