Agenda item

Motion for Examination


Councillor Glynane proposed and Councillor Beardsworth seconded that:


“This Council recognises that the proposals of this administration as regards DeIapre tea rooms are inadequate on a number of levels, and recognises the failure of this administration to consult adequately with the local community.


This Council notes the huge local and town wide interest in this issue, and acknowledges the significant anger with the administration regarding their handling of it.


Council further recognises that proposals to relocate the tea-room to "dog poo alley" and to reduce the seating from 130 to 28 would make the tea-room unviable, forcing its closure. We further recognise that according to the charity commission's website, where accounts are lodged, the tea rooms made a profit last year, despite statements to the contrary.


Council affirms its thanks for the hard work of the local community and the membership of Friends of Delapre Abbey over a number of years, and recognises that without their input the heritage lottery bid would not have been successful, and resolves the local community and FoDA members will be fully included and meaningfully consulted with regards to developments and changes to Delapre Abbey.


Council further resolves to honour the promise to offer the FoDA tea room a rolling lease in their current location, including access and provision for seating in the walled garden, up until the time work makes the location uninhabitable. During this period, Council will ensure there is a suitable alternative provision prepared for the tea rooms during the works. Council resolves that in this context, "suitable" must be signed off by a free vote of the members of FoDA.”


Councillor Glynane accepted an amendment proposed by Councillor Marriott and seconded by Councillor Stone, as revised from the original amendment tabled to the meeting:


Insert at the end of the motion,


“So this Council therefore resolves,


1. To confirm its aspiration to have a non-profit / social enterprise organisation operating the tea-rooms, preferably FoDA. The tea rooms must have the capacity and surroundings so users can keep enjoying the tranquillity of Delapre Abbey.


2. Acknowledges a ‘pop-up facility’ was not available over the Easter Holiday, despite promises to the contrary. The Council will now provide an estimate as to the loss of revenue, an explanation of why it was late and details of the tender process for these temporary tea rooms.


3. Believes that the future of Delapre Abbey depends on strong partnership working between Friends of Delapre Abbey, Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, Northampton Borough Council, Far Cotton Residents Association and the general public. Strong partnership working will mean the successful restoration of Delapre Abbey.”


The motion as amended then became the substantive motion.


Councillor Hadland, as proposer of the amendment, stated that he did not accept the substantive motion and amended his amendment to exclude the words from ”So this council therefore resolves ….” to the end of the substantive motion.  Councillor Hadland proposed and Councillor Markham seconded that the motion be amended as follows:



proposals of the administration as regards” and “are inadequate on a number of levels, and recognises the failure of this administration to consult adequately with the local community.”



have now closed following a decision taken by the Friends of Delapre Abbey. The Council understands this was due to large staffing costs and notes that an employee was the wife of a Liberal Democrat councillor.  This Council notes that any councillor with a personal and pecuniary interest must declare this at meetings of the Full Council and may be advised they are unable to take part. This Council also notes, coincidentally, that there is currently an election campaign underway with elections on 7th May.”



the significant anger with the administration regarding their handling of it.”



this must have been a difficult decision taken by the FoDA Board.”



to “dog poo alley” and to reduce the seating from 130 to 28 would make the tea-room unviable, forcing its closure. We further recognise that according to the charity commission’s website, where accounts are lodged, the tea rooms made a profit last year, despite statements to the contrary.”



are now being re-considered by the administration to allow for discussions with the Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, in consultation with FoDA.”



“Council recognises that a new refreshment facility has been organised by the Borough Council to allow people to continue using the Walled Gardens over the summer whilst longer term plans are discussed with Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, in consultation with FoDA.”



“Council further resolves to honour to the promise to offer the FoDA tea room a rolling lease in their current location, including access and provision for seating in the walled garden, up until the time work makes the location uninhabitable.”



of redevelopment at Delapre Abbey” after the words “During this period”



“Council resolves that in this context, “suitable” must be signed off by a free vote of the members of FoDA.”



“So this Council therefore resolves,


1. To confirm its aspiration to have a non-profit / social enterprise organisation operating the tea-rooms, preferably FoDA. The tea rooms must have the capacity and surroundings so users can keep enjoying the tranquillity of Delapre Abbey.


2. Acknowledges a ‘pop-up facility’ was not available over the Easter Holiday, despite promises to the contrary. The Council will now provide an estimate as to the loss of revenue, an explanation of why it was late and details of the tender process for these temporary tea rooms.


3. Believes that the future of Delapre Abbey depends on strong partnership working between Friends of Delapre Abbey, Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, Northampton Borough Council, Far Cotton Residents Association and the general public. Strong partnership working will mean the successful restoration of Delapre Abbey.”


Council then debated the amendment.


Upon a requisition for a recorded vote:


There voted for the motion: Councillors Ansell, Aziz, Begum, Bottwood, Choudary I, Eldred, Golby, Hadland, Hallam, Hibbert, King, Lane, Lynch, Mackintosh, Malpas, Markham, Oldham, Parekh, Patel and Sargeant.


There voted against the motion: Councillors Ashraf, Beardsworth, Choudary N, Conroy, Eales, Glynane, Gowen, Marriott, Mason, Mennell, Meredith, Stone and Strachan.


There abstained the Deputy Mayor.


The amendment was carried and became the substantive motion.


Upon a vote the substantive motion was carried, as set out below:


This Council recognises that the Delapre tea rooms have now closed following a decision taken by the Friends of Delapre Abbey.  The Council understands this was due to large staffing costs and notes that an employee was the wife of a Liberal Democrat councillor.  This Council notes that any councillor with a personal and pecuniary interest must declare this at meetings of the Full Council and may be advised they are unable to take part. This Council also notes, coincidentally, that there is currently an election campaign underway with elections on 7th May.


This Council notes the huge local and town wide interest in this issue, and acknowledges this must have been a difficult decision taken by the FoDA Board.


Council further recognises that proposals to relocate the tea-room are now being re-considered by the administration following the closure of the FoDA tea rooms to allow for discussions with the Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, in consultation with FoDA.


Council recognises that a new refreshment facility has been organised by the Borough Council to allow people to continue using the Walled Gardens over the summer whilst longer term plans are discussed with Delapre Abbey Preservation Trust, in consultation with FoDA.


Council affirms its thanks for the hard work of the local community and the membership of Friends of Delapre Abbey over a number of years, and recognises that without their input the heritage lottery bid would not have been successful, and resolves the local community and FoDA members will be fully included and meaningfully consulted with regards to developments and changes to Delapre Abbey.


During this period of redevelopment at Delapre Abbey, Council will ensure there is a suitable alternative provision prepared for the tea rooms during the works.

Supporting documents: