Agenda item

Cllr Robin Brown - NCC Health and Wellbeing Board - Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Strategy


Cllr Brown gave an introduction about the Health and Wellbeing Board. This is an executive board, which looks at the commissioning of services, and provides an opportunity for partners to work together. There has been a significant change, in that the board expanded to include the 3 main health providers, Northamptonshire Heath Foundation Trust (NHFT), Northampton General Hospital (NGH), Kettering General Hospital (KGH), and the Voluntary Community Sector (VCS) through Voluntary Impact Northamptonshire (VIN).The board is also made up of two representatives from districts and boroughs and Corby, Nene and Cambridgeshire Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). The board meets on a quarterly basis, and creates a joint strategic needs assessment, which is used by the commissioners on determining their priorities and commissioning services. The board also are working on Healthier Northamptonshire – which looks at care pathways and the way they are delivered. Cllr Brown advised that care of the elderly has seen more money this year than last year.


The purpose of the Health and Wellbeing Strategy is to ensure the integration of Social Care with Health, and covers 2013-16. The strategy is available. There will be a new health and wellbeing strategy will be in place for 2016, led by the vice-chancellor of the University of Northampton. This will focus on:


  1. Increasing rates of breastfeeding
  2. Reduction in Childhood obesity
  3. Alcohol and drugs
  4. Care of the elderly in the community
  5. Care of vulnerable adults.


TM - Are the districts and boroughs, and Northampton Partnership Homes partners? Cllr Brown advised that they are.


DH – Asked about the future of services, and the availability of money. DH also commented on the wider effect of the NCC budget cuts, and wider cuts in the County, and how these could affect the struggles of elderly people and people in care etc.  Cllr Brown assured that colleagues at NCC have not set out to dismantle services or make matters worse; all local authorities are required legally to have a balanced budget, whereas the health service is not legally charged with this.


Cllr Oldham – Commented on people being discharged in order for others to access beds, where individuals may be medically fit but not ready for discharge. Cllr Oldham also commented that at times care packages are not set up properly, and there is a vacuum after hospital release, even if only a few hours, if there is no one there to meet them at home. Cllr Brown advised that hospitals are paid based on activity, but are penalised if a person returns within a certain number of days after their discharge, and will not be paid for their care. On the issue of social care, Cllr Brown commented that is has constraints, and that a way forward would be for services to be doing more with the VCS who deliver services in the locality, to ensure people are cared for effectively. 

Cllr Brown discussed that a difficulty arises with how money is put into the voluntary sector. In past, money has been given to groups without outcomes required in return. However, universal services need to be focused in a way so that everyone can access them, which is why grant funders are moving again towards giving grants for identified outcomes required.


A copy of the strategy will be circulated with the minutes. Cllr Robin Brown can be contacted on