Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations


Councillor Mackintosh submitted his Cabinet Member report and explained that there had been an incident on Bridge Street and gave thanks to the Licensing Officers for their dedication and hard work. He noted that on the 12th January 2015 the new Railway Station had been opened and that it was a great facility for the Town Centre and had been completed and part of the Northampton Alive project. He further noted that the recent Cities Outlook report had rated Northampton as one of the best places for creating jobs and noted that 80% of homes and businesses in Northampton had access to superfast broadband. He explained that the French Consul had visited which had been successful and seen 3 people awarded medals, and the opportunity was given for condolences to be given with regards to the recent events in France.

In response to questions asked Councillor Mackintosh confirmed that he had continued to have regular meetings with the Volunteers of Delapre Abbey (VODA). In response to question asked by Councillor Ashraf, it was explained that domestic violence rates had not been included in his report as they were released quarterly, but that any information that he had relating to the issue would be circulated to Members. In response to further questions, the Leader explained that marshals had been used when Abington Street was opened up to traffic as a precautionary measure and were afforded as the whole Abington Street project had come in under budget. Responding to a further question, he reported that he would look into the signage issues with regards to the free 2 hour parking on Abington Street and confirmed that it was always intended to have barriers. The Leader confirmed that bollards heading into shop frontages would be installed and expressed his appreciation of the work that had been carried out with the Northampton Association for the Blind.


Councillor Markham submitted her Cabinet Member report and explained that Northampton Partnership Homes had come into effect on the 5th January 2015 and would operate as an Arms Length Management Association; changes to Council housing belonging to the Council and tenants. In response to questions asked, Councillor Markham explained that the service would continue to function as it was and that she was not aware of any acute increases in private-rented sector evictions. She noted that there was continued work with the Fraud department as she had been made aware that some tenants had been requesting a ‘Section 21’ for eviction purposes as a means of getting on or prioritised on the Council House waiting list, and remarked that specific incidents should be shared with her in order to address the issue with expedience. In response to further questions, it was noted that the number of people living in Bed and Breakfast accommodation was 22, 3 of which had made themselves intentionally homeless.


Councillor Hallam submitted his Cabinet Member report and explained that

The new service for clearing up fly-tipping from shared alleyways had been successful. He explained that Northampton in Bloom 2014 had been hugely successful and in 2014, Northampton had been placed in first position by East Midlands in Bloom and that plans for the next year were well underway. In response to questions asked, Councillor Hallam explained that the number of checks on taxi’s had increased up to the run up for Christmas and commended the work of the Licensing Team for their work and that resources in that department were currently being looked at. He informed Councillor Meredith that he would look into the issues he had raised with regards to chickens on allotments and would meet with him to discuss his concerns straight away.  He further confirmed that the £25 bulk waste disposal charge could not be reduced due to a contract being signed 7 years ago under the previous administration.


Councillor Hadland submitted his Cabinet Member report and noted that the free parking over the Christmas period had been well received by visitors to the town centre and thanked all the members of staff who had worked hard to ensure that the car parking facilities were well run over the busy period. In response to questions raised, Councillor Hadland confirmed that there were no plans for development on Eagle Drive. He further confirmed that the parking on Abington Street was free, for 2 hours and that they were working with developers who were looking at submitting planning application in the future at the St Edmunds site. He further noted that whilst there was no formal agreement with Cosworth over the number of apprentices taken on, the company had a very good reputation in training and development and that provision of an expert to work with new businesses to assist them starting up was in its early stages but that every effort would be made to ensure adequate provision when the time came.


Councillor Eldred submitted his Cabinet Member report and commented that the pre-Christmas period had been hugely successful with the German Market and was pleased that Alfie Boe had agreed to attend Alive at Delapre in July 2015. He further noted that the work of the Forums was going well and reminded members that the grant process for 2015/16 was still open but the application process would end on the 30th January 2015. In response to questions asked, Councillor Eldred stated that there was a lot of work being carried out with the Friends of Northampton Castle in supporting the celebration of the Magna Carta and further information relating to it would be released in February 2015. He further commented that the administration would continue to support the Richard Butcher Memorial Trust.

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