Agenda item

Changing Minds - Lee Johnson (NHFT)


Changing Minds is NHFT’s Wellbeing Service, or IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) service. The service provides psychological support for mild to moderate depression and anxieties, including Generalised Anxiety Disorder, panic, health anxiety, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder etc. The service is for adults aged 16 years plus, with no upper age limit.


LJ gave an explanation of the tiered mental health service in Northamptonshire.

1.    Universal support – G.P.’s and Wellbeing Navigators

2.    Changing Minds wellbeing service

3.    Therapists, working with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, etc.

4.    Community Mental Health Teams

5.    Hospital.

In order to access the level 2 Changing Minds wellbeing service, an individual must be referred to the service by their G.P. It is understood that this can be a barrier, and not everyone can get to their surgery, so occasionally the service can arrange home visits or telephone support. Once a person is referred into the service, there are usually between 4-6 follow up appointments, with ‘homework’ given in between sessions. Booklets are given to service users to work through, such as ‘A Guide to Relaxation’ – these are also available in Easy Read format. The Changing Minds team are also aware that materials need to be adapted, and this is done on an individual basis.


Other services offered through Changing Minds includes a Peer Support Service - which is self-referral -, a Diabetes Psychological Support Service, and also support for people who have been diagnosed with long term conditions (however, at present this is only funded until March at present).


More information can be found on the website here:


AP commented that the Home Service would be an improved for physically disabled people, and asked whether there would be any opportunity for the peer support ‘buddy’ service to also open up to home visits, as this would be beneficial also for  alcohol dependent people who do not leave their home. LJ commented that there is an exclusion criterion for alcoholism and drug use in accessing the Changing Minds services.


A number of forum members asked whether referrals are accepted through other agencies, rather than just the G.P. SW and DS asked whether NAB Community workers or Olympus Care, for example, could refer. LJ advised that referrals are primarily through the G.P; there are occasions when someone is referred from other services within health, and they do try to be as flexible as possible.


LJ advised that Changing Minds service is trying to reduce waiting lists, and as a service are not short of referrals. However, they are trying to ensure that as many people as possible are aware that the service is available and how they can access this. For more information, or if you would like Changing Minds to speak to your organisation, please contact Lee Johnson or visit the Changing Minds website:


**Meeting adjourned**


Incident took place regarding recording during the meeting.

ACTION: AM to get some clarity around recordings in the Guildhall.


**Meeting continued**


LJames, an Employment Advisor for Changing Minds, spoke to the forum about her role. The role looks to support service users in the transition back into the workplace, alongside the mental health support they are receiving. The role also focuses on setting up partnerships with other agencies providing this support.