Agenda item

Cabinet Member Presentations

(Copy herewith)


Councillor Mackintosh submitted his Cabinet Member report and noted that it had been a very busy period and that the Town had recently seen a number of events organised to mark the 825th Anniversary of the Royal Charter. It was noted that the first act signed for the Alive at Delapre event had been announced and the Christmas Light switch on had been successful and well attended. He further explained that on Saturday 6th December 2014, Small Business Saturday had been marked and noted that the small businesses he had visited were pleased and their comments and feedback taken on board. Council were informed that the new Railway Station was near to completion and that a meeting had been arranged with Network Rail to discover why there had been a delay. It was noted that the draft Budget had been finalised and noted that a report would be presented to the General Purposes Committee with regards to the pay awards and that the living wage would be implemented to NBC staff from April 2015. It was also noted that Councillor Mackintosh had recently become a Patron of the Hope Centre.


In response to questions asked Councillor Mackintosh explained that with regards to the national increased use of foodbanks, everything was being done locally to ensure high levels of employment thus negating the need for foodbanks but offered his support of organisations involved in the provision of foodbanks. It was further explained that whilst there had been a decrease in crime compared to last year’s figures, there was some concern with regards to how crime was recorded and assured Members that there would be continued work with the Police to ensure accuracy.


Councillor Markham submitted her Cabinet Member report and explained that the agreement with Northampton Partnership Homes was on target and that on the 25th and 26th November 2014 there had been a tenants meeting which had been successful, and thanked officers who had organised the event. She noted that there had been 206 new HIMO licensing applications had been received, with 967 addresses having been identified as needing to confirm their status as licensable. The positive progress of the Empty Homes Programme was also noted.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Markham explained a Decent Homes Hotline had been set up in order to address any problems that were being experienced by tenants. With regards to licensing of HIMOs, it was explained that there had been a landlords meeting and enforcement letters had been sent out to those whom were known to have not applied for a license and urged Councillors who suspected, or knew of an unlicensed HIMO to report it to the Council in order for it to be cross checked and necessary action taken.


Councillor Bottwood submitted his Cabinet Member report and explained that the draft Medium Term Financial Plan and Budget for 2015/16 were in the final stages and taken to Cabinet on the 17th December 2014. It was reported that there had been progress on the loan to the University of Northampton and agreements of the loan build the new Waterdside Campus had been completed. It was further reported that the Council Tax Reduction Scheme (CTRS) would continue to assist low income families and that they were continuing to look at making the system fairer, whilst delivering a balanced budget.


In response to questions asked, Councillor Bottwood stated that the Administration had spent £600,000 on the free parking scheme which had been approved as part of the Revenue Account. Referring to allotment funds, Councillor Bottwood stated that the funding for that had been from an aggregated funding pot. He also commented that he would find out and relay information to relevant Councillors as to whether the leasehold money for Council properties had been arranged.  


Councillor Hadland submitted his Cabinet Member report and noted that as of the afternoon, Abington Street had been opened up to traffic. It was further noted that Councillor Hadland and the Leader had recently visited the Cosworth factory on St James Mill Road which had led to the creation of numerous high tech jobs and apprentices’ position. Referring to the ‘Regeneration’ section of his report, he confirmed that there would be 6 lifts in the new multi storey car park.


In response to questions, Councillor Hadland noted that the Planning Policy Statement would continue to be reviewed. He apologised for the disruption to residents of Guildhall Road in the previous week, but stated that the issue had been resolved after one night and the road had been fully re-opened. Councillor Hadland also noted that the Delapre Abbey project had benefitted the whole of the town and that the Friends of Delapre Abbey had also played an instrumental part in building a sustainable future for the Abbey in allowing more use of the Abbey Building through the proposed change of use of the 19th Century stable block to a café/restaurant to be presented to Planning Committee on the 16th December 2014.



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