Agenda item

Northampton Bus Services - Steve Burd (Stagecoach) & John Ellerby (Highways Authority)


JE explained that this agenda item is regarding the bus services provided around Northampton. Any specific points about the bus station should be directed to NBC – AM will take back for feedback at the next meeting.


The Highways authority’s role in public transport covers the management of the concessionary fare scheme and grant funding along with NBC the door-to-door service. In conjunction with bus services, advertises bus services, timetables, maps, and leaflets. Also maintains the highways across borough and county.


SB advised the forum that Stagecoach have heavily invested in accessible buses, and are trying to improve availability of transport to all community. Last year 61 new buses – 46 of these allocated to Northampton Area. As a consequence of the investment, in Northampton depot at present there is a total of 120 vehicles and 116 of these are wheelchair accessible. For the company as a whole, 97% of buses are wheelchair accessible. They are working hard to replace old buses that are not accessible – well ahead of deadline of Jan 2017. Every mini bus and single deck is wheelchair accessible. The company assist wherever they can, details, large print timetable etc. is all available through customer services department – customer services line available for visually impaired and blind. Particularly in Warwickshire and Rugby, Stagecoach meet with disabled groups to update on investment and timetables etc. Stagecoach works closely in partnership with the local authority. Stagecoach worked closely with NCC, who has responsibility for road side infrastructure, when budget cuts came to minimise impact.


CW raised concerns over bus routes, specifically the Southfields bus (No. 5) and not having a bus service on Sundays. SB advised that Stagecoach are currently looking at putting on an hourly service on Sundays and there is a possibility that this could happen in the year. However, historically Southfields has not been a heavily patronised in past. This may be due to the design of estate, as half of Southfields cannot be served due to design of roads.


BB raised concerns over the issue of push chairs dominating the space on buses. SB advised that if wheelchair space is occupied, have to ask person with pushchair to make room for wheelchair. If this person does not move pushchair, ask again, then contact depot. If this happens on a high frequency bus the wheelchair user would need to catch the next bus. On a low frequency bus, the driver will contact depot, and depot will organise a taxi to take the disabled person to the bus stop that they would have got off at.


EB – issues with Standens Barn bus service, service spit to S16 and S17. When bus gets to Standens Barn there are often great difficulties with getting on the bus if disabled. SB advised that the reason that the reason this change was made is that there is a new housing estate on 17 route.  SB had not had any complaints about over loading on this service. However, if there are any specific problems bus users need to complain – if issues are not brought to Stagecoach’s attention, action cannot be taken.

On this issue, JE advised that concessions bus passes are funded by central government for after 9:30am. Many buses are filling up at this point. If concessionary users can, please delay journey to 10/11 am to avoid the congestion.



AP suggested that a solution to overcrowding issues may be for signage to be in place on all buses to alert users to disabled people’s and the elderly’s rights of priority over space. AP raised concerns over a lack of safe turning space on buses.


SB advised that the design of wheel chair spaces in all vehicles is not designed by companies, but instead the Department of Transport – national standard. This has possibly not been looked at since the 1980s, however all new vehicle design has to be type approved, and approved by Department of Transport. Also a guide has been produced by the Department of Transport which details which wheelchairs etc. are accepted onto buses – criteria of what the buses can safely take on board.


BB commented that the use of Door-to-door is available if wheelchair users do not feel safe on a bus.


CW asked whether ramps could be installed into the middle of buses for wheelchair users. SB advised that this style of bus is rarely used outside of London, as they tend to be seen as dangerous, there is less seating and more standing space, which is not preferred.


HS told the forum about a positive experience with Stagecoach, stagecoach bus staff was very understanding. HS felt that issues with pushchairs dominating disabled people’s allocated spaces are not Stagecoach’s fault, instead general public.