Agenda item

Northampton Interchange Update (Mike Kitchen - NBC)


Since the last update on the bus interchange, in 2011, the forum were informed that there had been considerable progress made with regards to the development of the Northampton Interchange. It was noted that planning permission had been granted and that funding had been secured through the Capital Programme and £4 million investment from West Northants Development Corporation.  The Principal Regeneration Officer updated members by informing them of a number of projects undertaken which included re - directing all utility services to make way for the development, the appointment of Kier Constructions and current demolition work being undertaken at Sheep Street. He explained that there had been no significant archaeological finds, but that a number of wells and a cellar had been discovered. It was noted that once the demolition had been completed, construction of the Bus Interchange would commence in March 2013 with an expected completion date of December 2013. It was explained that the works along the Drapery would include; new bus shelters, new paving and a new crossing – to ensure safe crossing. There would be 14 bus stops and another 8 along the Drapery in total.


In response to a question asked, the Principal Regeneration Officer explained that the stops on the Drapery and the new Interchange would not be physically joined in any way. With regards to work carried out on the Drapery, it was explained that it would be carried out in phases to reduce disruption to retailers and passengers and that the construction of the Bus Interchange could be done with little detrimental effect on the traffic and re-routing of services.


Some members of the forum expressed concern over the number of buses using the facility, the time buses would have, per drop off/pick up, which may result in buses blocking other bays, and the number of people waiting at the stops. The Principal Regeneration Officer explained that he had not been involved in the scheduling of the buses and that would be a matter for the County Council.


The Chair commented that the negotiations were on-going and suggested that the officers speak to the Bus Operators and report back to the forum at a later date.


Concern was also expressed by members that National Express would continue to use Victoria Street to drop travellers off which would be further away to the Bus Interchange than the current Bus Station. It was suggested that a large proportion of people using National Express would be pensioners who would be going on coach holidays and that the extra distance to the new facility needed consideration. 


Members were informed that bus routes were not within the remit of the Borough Council, as it would have to go through the Transport Commission, but they could advise as an authority. A discussion ensued about the number of buses that would be able to use the Interchange with one member suggesting that it could facilitate 27 buses and therefore no buses would have to use the Drapery.

The Co- Chair commented that initially, the Forum had supported the proposed Bus interchange, but that they now had a number of concerns and were therefore unable to support it. They expressed their dissatisfaction that they had written to the relevant Officer to show their concern but that no response had been received.




a)    That a relevant officer attends a future meeting to report back on any updates from Bus Operators.


b)    That further information be sought about the routeing of buses and reported back at a later date.


c)    That the Principal Regeneration Officer speak to the Head of Planning to answer the letter submitted by the Forum.