Agenda item

Standards Away Day- The Way Forward

Report of Borough Solicitor and Monitoring Officer


The Monitoring Officer submitted a report which reviewed the key points from the Standards Committee away day and how to raise the profile of the Committee and obtain engagement from senior leadership.  There were a number of points captured from the discussions which were appended to the report.  Work plans would review each issue and develop them.


The main points were the vision for the Committee in promoting ethical conduct had to be articulated into one simple vision that people understood.  People should understand the role of the Committee.  Matters and investigations should be dealt with effectively and quickly.  The Communications team would assist in developing a communication plan the focus on developing trust and confidence in local democracy.  Newsletters would be produced internally and externally with key messages to engage key stakeholders including for example harder to reach groups. 


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that each Committee member would be responsible for an area within the terms of reference and act as a focal point and champion the area.  Cllr Hollis confirmed that she was already the Champion for the Standards committee at the County Council.


The Terms of Reference was key to this point and once agreed the main areas would be listed and the members would be able to produce reports on their designated area which he would support.


The Chair confirmed that all the leaders of the political parties should agree with the message the Committee would be providing and he would make an address at the Full Council meeting to inform Councillors and the public.  Councillors needed to be reminded of their position in the community and by adhering to the accepted standards of conduct in public life will be leading that community by example.  When people do make mistakes then it should be dealt with by the Standards Committee efficiently.  It was noted that this approach should be discussed with the Leader of the Council first.


As the Committee’s profile is raised both within the council and externally there should be a greater interest in its work.  It was thus important for the committee to be seen as operating effectively and efficiently.


The Monitoring Officer confirmed that the Committee could engage with different groups from Residents Associations to Neighbourhood Forums and with the different parishes in the Borough.


The Monitoring Officer advised that the terms of reference in the report would allow the Committee to be involved in wider issues and review policies.  Effective Committee processes would make sure the committee operated well.  A review clinic to discuss what went well in the meeting and what could be done better could be arranged.  As the Committee’s profile raised there would possibly be a greater interest in its work and it was important for the committee to be see as operating well.


At the Away Day personal development plans for individual Councillors including Chairmanship skills had been discussed to make them more effective.  An assessment of needs would be required and then for them to be delivered.  Joint training with other councils would be reviewed and regular monitoring reports would be provided to the Committee.  It was intended that the Chair of the Committee would produce annual reports of Committee’s work.  This was regarded as good practise.  Diagnostic work could be carried out and governance and processes reviewed for the Standards Committee to help the Council.


The Monitoring Officer mentioned an omission from the items identified in the report. This was a workstream that looked at standards issues in relation to partnerships the Council is involved in. If was agreed that this would be added to the work programme.






  1. The agreement be given to the list of development activities for the Committee attached to the report.
  2. That Monitoring Officer develop a work plan for the Committee, drawing from the points outlined in the appendix to the report.



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