Agenda item

Programme Director's Progress Report

Presented By:Clive Thomas


C Thomas presented the report circulated, which updated the Steering Group in respect of the Joint Planning Team Manager, the Joint Planning Team office location, Resources Plan, Joint Planning Team secondments, Communications Plans and governance.


The Chair referred to the proposed Memorandum of Understanding appended to the report and suggested that members needed to discuss this with their respective Local Authorities and bring back any comments to a future meeting.


R Strugnell then referred to the Person Specification for the Joint Planning Unit Manager post and the essential criteria in respect thereof.  He referred to the wording “substantial experience of project management” and the previous discussion in terms of ensuring that candidates were also planners.  In view of this it was suggested and agreed that this wording be changed to “proven track record of project management”. 


Councillor S Barnes referred to the previous discussion relating to the “West Northamptonshire” badge and suggested that it would be more appropriate to reflect in the name the partnership between the three Local Authorities.  There was also the problem that there may be confusion with the WNDC.  The Steering Group discussed this suggestion and it was felt that this was a good opportunity to promote the message that the three Councils were working in partnership.  Suggestions from the Steering Group members were invited. 


Councillor Townsend requested that the short listing and interview dates for the Joint Planning Unit Manager post be set as soon as possible as members were involved in appointing to the post and therefore they needed to get the dates in their diaries.


Reference was made to the offer of office accommodation at Towcester Mill and C Thomas advised that a number of colleagues, including representatives from each Local Authority, had visited the premises on 13 October.  There were several issues to be resolved in terms of compliance with DDA and timing, in that the accommodation needed to be available for the life of the Team and SNC had their own plans in terms of the regeneration of that area. Also there were other practical issues that needed to be considered such as reception facilities.  He advised that the requirement was for office space to accommodate a maximum of ten people with an area for displays which would be used at key points during the consultation process.  In addition there would need to be appropriate IT and communication facilities available and the accommodation needed to be located at a site which was easily accessible for all officers. 


AGREED: (1) That officers and Councillors on the Steering Group discuss the proposed Memorandum of Understanding appended to the report within their respective Local Authorities and that feedback be provided at a future meeting.


                     (2) That the progress on the recruitment of the Joint Planning Team Manager, the Joint Planning Team office location, the Communications Plan, Resource Plan, Joint Planning Team secondments be noted.


                     (3) That the wording in the Person Specification in relation to the essential criteria “substantial experience of project management” be changed to read “proven track record of project management”.


                     (4) That members of the Steering Group be advised of the dates for the short-listing and interviews for the Joint Planning Team Manager post within a week.


                     (5) That any ideas for re-badging “West Northamptonshire” be forwarded to C Thomas. 

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