Meeting attendance

Monday, 25 January 2010 6:00 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement

Venue:   Guildhall - Jeffery Room

Contact:    Tracy Tiff, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, on 01604 837408 Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance
Sue Bridge Officer Present
Councillor John Caswell Member Present
Councillor Iftikhar Ahmed Choudary (Ifty) Deputy Chair Apologies
Councillor Tony Clarke Councillor In attendance
Councillor Jenny Conroy Member Present
Councillor Mel de Cruz Member Absent
Steve Elsey Officer Present
Councillor Brendan Glynane Member Present
Councillor Jean Hawkins Member Absent
Councillor Judith Lill Member Apologies
Councillor David Palethorpe Member Present
Councillor Andrew Simpson Member Present
Rebecca Smith Officer Expected
Tracy Tiff Officer Present
Councillor John Yates Chair Present