Agenda item

N/2019/0612 - Erection of purpose-built student accommodation comprising 347no rooms with 356no bed-spaces, following partial demolition of existing buildings. Refurbishment and change of use of listed building to provide ancillary student hub, retail units, plant, storage and refuse areas, with associated landscaping and other works. Bective Works, Bective Road


The Principal Planning Officer submitted a report to the Committee. Members’ attention was drawn to the addendum which contained an additional letter of objection by a local resident. The Committee were informed that alterations were required to the requirements of the S106 for this application following the approval in principle on the 19th May 2020. These were that the Local Highway Authority were no longer requiring traffic contributions and as such these could no longer be requested, that legally the Council cannot require that students not use their own vehicles and as such this cannot be included in the legal agreement, and a contribution was to be added requesting a contribution towards  he provision of sustainable travel.


Councillor M Markham, in her capacity as a local resident, spoke against the application and commented that parking in the area was very bad and she objected to the removal of the clause limiting car use; she believed the site would be of more benefit if it was converted to sheltered accommodation. She stated that there was no need for student accommodation in Kingsthorpe now that the university had moved.


Councillor M Markham left the meeting after addressing the Committee.


Councillor Beardsworth, in her capacity as the Ward Councillor of an adjoining ward, spoke against the application and stated that this was the wrong site for this development, and it was a money-making scheme that would provide no benefit and cause misery for locals. Concern was raised with the traffic issues resultant from this, and it was stated that Brexit would mean there would be less students anyway.


Jennifer Smith, the agent on behalf of the applicant, spoke in favour of the application and commented that the application incorporated the Listed building and that there were no material changes to the application previously approved by the Committee. She noted that the principle of development had already been established.


In response to questions, the Committee heard that the applicant was aware that the university had moved but felt that there was still a need for student accommodation in the area. A consultation exercise by way of a leaflet drop had been carried out but received no responses from residents. Condition 16 related to a Student Management Plan, part of which required students to sign up to a tenancy agreement which stipulated that they would not use their own vehicles.


The Principal Planning Officer confirmed in response to questions that the Local Highway Authority had not objected to the application, that the Local Highway Authority had requested the location of bus stops and shelters, that the provision of cycle lanes would be for the Highways Authority to look into, and that the minibus requirement was for the provision of a minibus and not a contribution and is required for the life of the development and a breach of this would be investigated by Planning Enforcement and by NCC Highways.


Members discussed the report.




That the application be APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE subject to the finalisation of an S106 Legal Agreement to secure planning obligations and conditions as set out in the report.


Councillors M Markham and McCutcheon re-joined the meeting.

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