Agenda and minutes

Venue: Guildhall - Jeffery Room

Contact: Tracy Tiff, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, on 01604 837408 Email: 

No. Item



Members to note any apologies and substitution.


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Ifty Choudary (Councillor Keith Davies substituted) and Councillor Andrew Simpson.



Members to approve the minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2010 and the Call In Hearing held on 18 March 2010  


The minutes of the meeting held on 25 January 2010,and subject to the inclusion of Councillor John Caswell to the list of attendees, the minutes of the Call In Hearing of 18 March 2010 were signed by the Chair as a true record.


Deputations/Public Addresses

The Chair to note public address requests


Steven Richards, Alliston Gardens addressed the Committee on agenda item 6(a) Community Centres Task and Finish Group.


Richard Powell, Neighbourhood Coordinator, Northamptonshire County Council, addressed the Committee on agenda item 6(a) Community Centres Task and Finish Group.


Declarations (Including Whipping)

Members to state any interests


There were none.


Single Equality Scheme Action Plan

The Committee to receive details of the Action Plan contained in the Single Equality Scheme.


Lindsey Ambrose, Community Engagement and Equalities Officer, addressed the Committee advising of the new Single Equalities Scheme Action Plan. The Equality Act 2010 is due to come into force in October 2010 and the Public Sector Duty early in 2011.  She advised that there is limited information available regarding the Public Sector Duty at present. 

It was noted that the Single Equalities Scheme Action Plan might change in its status.  The Council will still need to have a Single Equalities Scheme Action Plan that can be accessed by the public.  The Committee was referred to an online tool, which comprises 88 criteria that enables the Council to input information to identify risks.


Guidance of how the Act will impact upon the Council will not be available until June 2010.   Lindsey Ambrose added that there would be a need to update Council Policies in accordance with the Act.


The Committee commented that it would be useful for a progress report to be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny at the appropriate stage. 


AGREED:   That Overview and Scrutiny monitors progress of the Equality Act 2010 and the Public Sector Duty.


Community Centres Task and Finish Group

The Chair of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group to present the Group’s final report to the Committee for its consideration and comment (copy to follow)


Steven Richards, of Alliston Gardens Community Centre, addressed the Committee.  He welcomed the report of the Task and Finish Group and he hoped that the report and its recommendations would be adopted by Cabinet.


Mr Richards was thanked for his address.


 Richard Powell, Northamptonshire County Council, addressed the Committee.  Mr Powell echoed with Mr Richards’ comments adding that he felt that the report of the Task and Finish Group would be a useful tool.  He also hoped that Cabinet would accept the recommendations but felt that implementing the recommendations could create a lot of work.  He commented on the need for youth provision within the town.  Mr Powell advised that he had been working with Need to Know that is based at Kingsheath and he emphasised the need for partnership working.  In response to a query, Mr Powell advised that Need to Know is a very busy organisation and the nearby doctor’s surgery had commented that it would be beneficial for Need to Know and the doctor’s surgery to be based in the same premise.  There is a real sense of community in the area. 


Mr Powell was thanked for his address.


Councillor Portia Wilson, Chair of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group, addressed the Committee apprising that the Task and Finish Group had concluded its Review and presented the report for the Committee’s consideration.  Councillor Wilson explained the reason why the Task and Finish Group was set up and that a Policy for Community Centres was not in existence.  It became evident from the information gathered that there was no structure for Community Centres, for example standard length of lease.  The Committee was provided with further details of the evidence gathering process, which included desktop research, collation of witness evidence and site visits.


Councillor Wilson went on to highlight that there was some slight wording to the following conclusion and recommendation but this did not change the meaning of either section: -


Conclusion   - Page 35 of the report


5.14 On its tour of the Community Centres, the Task and Finish Group was provided with examples that some bookings had been turned away.  The Community often sees the Community Centre Coordinator as the contact for bookings but the Task and Finish Group realises that it is not within their’ job description to take bookings.  The need for the clear display of contact and booking arrangements was noted.


Recommendation  - Page 37 of the report


6.1.5 Suitable Community Groups are given the opportunity to submit an application for the management of a Community Centre(s).  Existing Management Committees are given first opportunity to submit proposals for community centre(s) that they currently manage.


Councillor Davies, member of the Task and Finish Group, added that a lot of work had been put into this Review and that the recommendations could lead to a sound Policy for Community Centres and other recommendations could lead to potential savings.  There is a need to ensure that access to the Community Centre is available at all  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6a


Task and Finish Group Updates




Steven Richards, of Alliston Gardens Community Centre, addressed the Committee.  He welcomed the report of the Task and Finish Group and he hoped that the report and its recommendations would be adopted by Cabinet.


Mr Richards was thanked for his address.


 Richard Powell, Northamptonshire County Council, addressed the Committee.  Mr Powell echoed with Mr Richards’ comments adding that he felt that the report of the Task and Finish Group would be a useful tool.  He also hoped that Cabinet would accept the recommendations but felt that implementing the recommendations could create a lot of work.  He commented on the need for youth provision within the town.  Mr Powell advised that he had been working with Need to Know that is based at Kingsheath and he emphasised the need for partnership working.  In response to a query, Mr Powell advised that Need to Know is a very busy organisation and the nearby doctor’s surgery had commented that it would be beneficial for Need to Know and the doctor’s surgery to be based in the same premise.  There is a real sense of community in the area. 


Mr Powell was thanked for his address.


Councillor Portia Wilson, Chair of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group, addressed the Committee apprising that the Task and Finish Group had concluded its Review and presented the report for the Committee’s consideration.  Councillor Wilson explained the reason why the Task and Finish Group was set up and that a Policy for Community Centres was not in existence.  It became evident from the information gathered that there was no structure for Community Centres, for example standard length of lease.  The Committee was provided with further details of the evidence gathering process, which included desktop research, collation of witness evidence and site visits.


Councillor Wilson went on to highlight that there was some slight wording to the following conclusion and recommendation but this did not change the meaning of either section: -


Conclusion   - Page 35 of the report


5.14 On its tour of the Community Centres, the Task and Finish Group was provided with examples that some bookings had been turned away.  The Community often sees the Community Centre Coordinator as the contact for bookings but the Task and Finish Group realises that it is not within their’ job description to take bookings.  The need for the clear display of contact and booking arrangements was noted.


Recommendation  - Page 37 of the report


6.1.5 Suitable Community Groups are given the opportunity to submit an application for the management of a Community Centre(s).  Existing Management Committees are given first opportunity to submit proposals for community centre(s) that they currently manage.


Councillor Davies, member of the Task and Finish Group, added that a lot of work had been put into this Review and that the recommendations could lead to a sound Policy for Community Centres and other recommendations could lead to potential savings.  There is a need to ensure that access to  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Neighbourhood Model

The Committee to receive an update on the Neighbourhood model


Julie Seddon, Director for Environment and Culture, addressed the Committee advising of draft Neighbourhood Model.  Copies of the draft model were circulated for the Committee’s information.  The Neighbourhood Model was approved by Cabinet in March 2010 – the implementation process has now commenced.  There are key elements that are needed to be put in place but there is also a need to understand what will and will not work and that the model that is introduced is the best possible model.


The main focus of model is at community level.  Partners will then meet with the community to hear issues of concern.  The responsible officer will take these issues to the Officer Board for consideration. 


Julie Seddon advised that the public meetings are currently being populated. In every ward it is intended that there will be two meetings per year.


In response to a query regarding the practicalities of hosting the proposed number of meetings per year with the new model.  Julie Seddon advised that the intention is to build upon good practice and to make any appropriate amendments as the model evolves.   It was noted that Councillors would only required to attend two meetings per year within their wards.


The Committee further commented that there was a need to programme in relevant training and that communication was key.  In response to a comment that there needs to be ongoing dialogue between Coordinators and ward Councillors, Julie Seddon confirmed that this would take place. Environmental wardens would work very closely with the coordinators.  A big part of the model is to get the community involved. The new model would go live imminently.  Commitment had been given that representatives of the relevant Partner Agencies would sit on the officer board and respond to messages from the coordinator.  Northamptonshire County Council’s coordinators would also sit on the Board.


At this point the Chair informed the Committee that he had another commitment to attend and would need to leave the meeting at 6.45pm.  It was noted that the Vice-Chair had also sent his apologies.  Councillor Caswell then proposed that Councillor Keith Davies takes over as Chair at the point.  It was seconded by Councillor Conroy and upon a vote it was: -


Overview and Scrutiny Committee Work Programme 2010/2011

The Chair to provide the Committee with details of the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme for 2010/2011


Best Value Performance Indicator Monitoring

The Chair and Vice Chair have been asked to examine the performance indicators and bring to the attention of the Committee those they wish to investigate further


The Committee noted the Best Value Performance Indicators for the period February 2010.


Leisure Strategic Business Review

The Committee to receive an update on the Leisure Services Strategic Business Review and set up an Appreciative Inquiry to work with the Service area regarding Overview and Scrutiny input into this issue


Julie Seddon, Director for Environment and Culture, addressed the Committee advising that Cabinet at its meeting on10th March 2010 had agreed to the start of the implementation process of a Leisure Trust. It was proposed that the consultants that produced the options appraisal would be engaged. Members of the Project Board had been identified and meeting dates set.  The first meeting was imminent. Julie Seddon confirmed that the process was at the right stage to be scrutinised. 


An Appreciative Inquiry would be set up comprising Councillor Keith Davies, Councillor Judith Lill and Councillor Jenny Conroy.  Tracy Tiff, Scrutiny Officer would contact the Committee to ascertain whether further members wanted take part in this scrutiny activity.  It was suggested that examples of other Trusts that currently manage Leisure Centres, together with relevant site visits would be part of the evidence gathering.


In response to a query whether there are organisations that manage a number of Leisure Centres, Julie Seddon advised that there are others that have been outsourced.  The Council is looking to transfer its own services to a Trust that is dedicated to Northampton. 


RESOLVED:      (1) That an Appreciative Inquiry be set up comprising Councillor Keith Davies, Councillor Judith Lill and Councillor Jenny Conroy.

                      (2) That the Committee be contacted to ascertain whether further members wanted take part in this scrutiny activity.




The Chair reminded the Committee that following the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programming Workshop that was held on 11 March 2010 where Councillors present at the workshop, had in Groups, supported by a Director and Head of Service, put forward suggested issues for inclusion on next year’s Overview and Scrutiny work programme.  Cabinet Members also sat with the Groups to provide points of clarity, as requested, on their priorities and objectives for 2010/11.


The Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee considered the issues suggested for inclusion and would produce the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2010/2011,to be ratified by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee at its first meeting in June 2010.


The Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme 2010/2011 was noted.


Forward Plan

Members to examine the forward plan and decide if there are any items for future pre-decision scrutiny


The Committee suggested that there was a need for pre-decision scrutiny of the Delapre Abbey Options Appraisal and it was suggested that the Chair of Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3 be asked to consider this request.


The current Forward Plan was noted.


RESOLVED:    That the Chair would contact Councillor Lane, Chair, Overview and Scrutiny Committee 3, asking him to consider the request for pre-decision scrutiny of Delapre Abbey Options Appraisal.


Urgent Items

This item is for business that by reasons of the special circumstances to be specified, the Chair is of the opinion is of sufficient urgency to consider.   Members or officers that wish to raise urgent items are to inform the Chair in advance.


There were none.


The meeting concluded at 7.09 pm