Agenda item

Community Centres Task and Finish Group

The Chair of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group to present the Group’s final report to the Committee for its consideration and comment (copy to follow)


Steven Richards, of Alliston Gardens Community Centre, addressed the Committee.  He welcomed the report of the Task and Finish Group and he hoped that the report and its recommendations would be adopted by Cabinet.


Mr Richards was thanked for his address.


 Richard Powell, Northamptonshire County Council, addressed the Committee.  Mr Powell echoed with Mr Richards’ comments adding that he felt that the report of the Task and Finish Group would be a useful tool.  He also hoped that Cabinet would accept the recommendations but felt that implementing the recommendations could create a lot of work.  He commented on the need for youth provision within the town.  Mr Powell advised that he had been working with Need to Know that is based at Kingsheath and he emphasised the need for partnership working.  In response to a query, Mr Powell advised that Need to Know is a very busy organisation and the nearby doctor’s surgery had commented that it would be beneficial for Need to Know and the doctor’s surgery to be based in the same premise.  There is a real sense of community in the area. 


Mr Powell was thanked for his address.


Councillor Portia Wilson, Chair of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group, addressed the Committee apprising that the Task and Finish Group had concluded its Review and presented the report for the Committee’s consideration.  Councillor Wilson explained the reason why the Task and Finish Group was set up and that a Policy for Community Centres was not in existence.  It became evident from the information gathered that there was no structure for Community Centres, for example standard length of lease.  The Committee was provided with further details of the evidence gathering process, which included desktop research, collation of witness evidence and site visits.


Councillor Wilson went on to highlight that there was some slight wording to the following conclusion and recommendation but this did not change the meaning of either section: -


Conclusion   - Page 35 of the report


5.14 On its tour of the Community Centres, the Task and Finish Group was provided with examples that some bookings had been turned away.  The Community often sees the Community Centre Coordinator as the contact for bookings but the Task and Finish Group realises that it is not within their’ job description to take bookings.  The need for the clear display of contact and booking arrangements was noted.


Recommendation  - Page 37 of the report


6.1.5 Suitable Community Groups are given the opportunity to submit an application for the management of a Community Centre(s).  Existing Management Committees are given first opportunity to submit proposals for community centre(s) that they currently manage.


Councillor Davies, member of the Task and Finish Group, added that a lot of work had been put into this Review and that the recommendations could lead to a sound Policy for Community Centres and other recommendations could lead to potential savings.  There is a need to ensure that access to the Community Centre is available at all other times should one specific group use the Centre for the majority of the time.  He also emphasised the need for Community Centres to be available seven days a week for hire.


The Chair commented that this was a comprehensive Review and that it was envisaged that the report would be presented to Cabinet at its meeting on     28 June 2010. 


In response to a query regarding the pricing for Private Finance Initiative (PFI) schools, Councillor Wilson advised that pricings for the hire of venues at PFI schools were set by the organisation Amey.


The Committee conveyed its thanks to the Task and Finish Group for carrying out this thorough Scrutiny Review.


RESOLVED: That the Overview and Scrutiny Community Centres Task and Finish Group be received and presented to Cabinet for its consideration.

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