Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 2 September 2008 6:00 pm, Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 - Partnerships, Regeneration, Community Safety and Engagement

Venue:   Guildhall

Contact:    Tracy Tiff, Overview and Scrutiny Officer, on 01604 837408 Email:

Meeting attendance
Attendee Role Attendance
Councillor John Caswell Member Apologies
Councillor Prince Sadik Chaudhury Member Apologies
Councillor Iftikhar Ahmed Choudary (Ifty) Deputy Chair Present
Councillor Richard Church Councillor In attendance
Councillor Tony Clarke Member Present
Councillor David Garlick Member In attendance
David Kennedy Officer In attendance
Councillor Christopher Malpas Member In attendance
Councillor David Palethorpe Member Apologies
Councillor David Perkins Member Present
Councillor Kevin Reeve Member Present
Councillor Andrew Simpson Chair Present
Tracy Tiff Officer In attendance
Councillor Pam M Varnsverry Member In attendance
Councillor Paul D Varnsverry Member Present
Councillor Portia Wilson Member Apologies
Councillor Anthony Woods Councillor In attendance