Agenda item

Community Centres Task and Finish Group

The Chair of the Task and Finish Group to provide a progress report


Mr Toby Birch, representing Alliston Gardens Community Centre, addressed the Committee commenting that the Centre had been running for around 14 years, it has 40 volunteers, employs its own staff.  It is a very busy centre with approximately 500 people using centre a week, plus parties and other bookings.  A lot of people use the centre.  It is important that people that use the centre get the best out of it.  It would be useful to have some kind of value added so that the Community Centre could show what it is doing in a positive way.  Mr Birch confirmed that he would be very willing to work with the Borough Council to show what can be achieved.  He added that it would be good to have a list of aims and objectives for Community Centres.  There is a range of services provided by community centres such as I

ICT, which could be developed further.   There is a need to demonstrate that Community Centres are providing value for money to the local communities.  Mr Birch concluded that it is important that community activities are fully developed and Community Centres are used.


Keith Westhead, representing Kingsheath Resident Association, commented that his Committee felt that it was wrong to close down Community Centres.  The Committee had the preference for NBC to continue to run Community Centres and if this were not possible the Committee would like to see them run by community groups.  Mr Westhead referred to the Community Centre in Kingsheath advising that the Need to Know shop had offered to take over the management of the Community Centre.  Mr Westfield felt that should Need to know take on the management of the Community Centre it on would ensure its long-term viability.  He asked that this be given every consideration.


The Committee put questions to Mr Westhead:


In response to a query about access to the Community Centre if Need to know took over the management of the Centre, Mr Westhead confirmed that most of the other rooms would be available as access for all.


In response to a query why Mr Westhead felt that Community Centres would be closed, he advised that he had read details in the local press from time to time that 11 or 12 would be closed, some had applications for management committees to take over, others had not. He added that the Council was looking to change the caretaking process to floating caretaker support, Mr Westhead felt that with this type of caretaking in place less people would use the Centres and therefore they would close.


Al Bell, Community Matters, commented that Community Matters is a national community organisation with a number of members.  She advised that she had received concerns from a number of members regarding the work of the Task and Finish Group and the proposals for caretaking.  Some centers have 170 volunteers with a footfall of 2,000.  Al Bell gave examples of some of the services provided such as surgeries for police, mental health support, Councillors, adult learning sessions, legal and debt advice, exercise etc.  Members are concerned that changes being discussed without consultation and are keen to engage with the Council and help to look for further efficiencies and make sure any changes do not have a detriment on the community.  She commented that she would encourage the Council to provide leases to organisations who are managing the Community Centres, without a lease, the management committees cannot access external funding.  Members of Community Matters had further concerns regarding the proposals for reduced caretaking, which in their opinion would invalidate insurance and create insufficient time to clean therefore making Community Centres less appealing.  Al Bell concluded her address by asking what the running costs for Community Centres were and what is being spent on the buildings.


The Committee put questions to Al Bell:


·        Community Matters has 1300 members nationally. 

·        In response to a query for examples of Local Authorities that run their Community Centres better than Northampton, Al Bell advised that everyone does this better than Northampton, for example Nottinghamshire and its outlining districts have a good relationship with their centres.  Dialogue is an issue, keeping people updated, there is a need for Community Support Officers. In Al Bell’s opinion other good examples were Lambeth and Watford.  She offered to supply further information to the Committee.

·        There were some examples of Parish Councils running Community Centres.

·        The Community Builders Fund is 0pen till 31 March 2011 with funding of £70million across England.


Joyce Smith, Abington Community Centre, advised that this Centre was opened in 1949; her mother was a founder member.  Many groups such as mums and tots, camera club are still operating from Abington Community Centre.  She had concerns regarding the proposals for floating caretaking.  Caretaking would not be covered by insurance; it would not allow enough time to clean.  Joyce Smith asked the Committee to come and visit the centre.  Joyce Smith concluded her address advising the Centre gives free use to youth and youth clubs.


The Committee put questions to Joyce Smith:


·        Joyce Smith confirmed that she had met with Councillor Brian Hoare last year but had not been contacted since. 

·        Councillor Keith Davies confirmed that the Task and Finish Group had visited Abington Community Centre recently.


Elizabeth Percival of  Parklands Community Centre ,commented  that the Centre  is very well run, it started off as a wooden hut.  The management committee would like to work with NBC but feel they are not being included in discussions.  Elizabeth Percival advised that she had heard rumours about the proposals but had not received any official notification from the Council.  Parklands Community Centre has security cameras and outside shutters.  A lot of local groups use the Community Centers and if the Management Committees had to pay for a caretaker, the hire of use of the centre would have to be increased.  Parklands Community Centre has a lot of volunteers who help to run the Community Centre.  Elizabeth Percival concluded her address by stating that one size does not fit all, as all community centres are different.


In response to a query Elizabeth Percival addressed that Parklands Community Centre has around 50 volunteers.


Sandra Bell, interim director of the Doddridge Centre addressed the Committee commenting that the Doddridge Centre had been asked to put in a bid to run St James Community Centre but since the initial suggestion there had been no further contact.  Sandra Bell felt that there was a lack of consistency in approach in informing the Community Centres.  Users of the Community Centres should be consulted.  To diminish community centres is a detrimental step.


Eric Atkins of Duston Community Association commented that the Centre had been built with public subscription and the Association had owned the building for 28 years but it is now owned by NBC.    He suggested ways of helping community centres.  Eric Atkins added that the Centre is made up of sections – each runs itself, such as photography, two bowls sections.


Stephen Richards, of Alliston Gardens Community Centre, commented that most people look at Community Centres as “black hole for tipping in money” but do not see any value for what is given to a centre.  Abington Community Centre is spending twice the Borough spend to provide quality services.  Four hours a week caretaking would provide for nothing.  Stephen Richards commented that the Community Centres are not being consulted and asked for their opinions, neither are the community users.  The risk assessment for the proposals does not make reference to the `drop out rate’ some users wont continue to use if they are required to do cleaning too.  He concluded his address by advising that he had been invited to the Task and Finish Group to give evidence as a flagship community centre. In order to increase community provision Abington Community Centre could run a number of the borough run community centres, some of which do not have a sign with a number for hiring etc.  Funding bids from National Lottery etc could be attracted.  Other options such as this need exploring.


Councillor Tony Clarke addressed the Committee asking for its permission for the Task and Finish Group to finish its work.  He was concerned the budget was driving policy.  Last year the Council said it was going to reduce expenditure on community centres but at the time Councillors needed to understand how Community Centres worked. The Task and Finish Group started its work as an Appreciative Inquiry in October 2009 and is due to conclude in April 2010.  Councillor Clarke’s main concern was in respect of consultation regarding the caretaking of community centres,  he felt that this would have an impact upon the work of the Task and Finish Group.  Funding is imperative.  Councillor Clarke concluded his address by commented that all the Task and Finish Group’s work will be worthless if the budget is reduced at this time. It was added that the Task and Finish Group held a very thorough evidence-gathering meeting last time.  He asked for breaks on the budget, commenting that hopefully the Task and Finish Group will deliver a policy that can deliver.


The Chair thanked the public attendees for their addresses,


The Chair confirmed that the budget proposals are currently out for consultation.


The Committee referred to the scope of the Review commencing that it does not make reference to the Community.  It was confirmed that the Task and Finish Group had visited community centres and had dialogue with users.


Councillor Paul Varnsverry, Portfolio Holder for Community Engagement, commented that this meeting had received a lot of information, which would help to inform the work of the Task and Finish Group.  He emphasised that there was no truth in the rumours regarding closing down Community Centre. The Administration is not looking to close community centres; Northampton is going to need more community centres, not less.  There is a need to ensure that they are providing value for money.  One size does not fit all.  Some community centers are used more than others, and this needs to be included in a Policy.  He commented that he has invited the Task and Finish Group to assist in putting this Policy together and he looks forward to the Task and Finish Group’s final report.


The Committee commented that the Task and Finish Group has visited lots of community centres recently.


Thomas Hall  clarified that the job description is part of the restructure consultations and that the Task and Finish Group has recently had sight of the consultation documents. The proposals are suggesting a cut of 18 FTE caretakers to eight.  The Task and Finish Group’s scope is concerned with Policy in relation to:-


  • the provision of premises for community use, and
  • the role of Northampton Borough Council in such provision
  • to monitor any budget proposals in relation to community centres


The Committee commented that the level of caretaking that the Council provides to Community Centres should be part of the Task and Finish Group’s evidence, therefore budget proposals need to stop until Task and Finish Group has concluded its work.


The Committee queried whether the Task and Finish Group was looking at the role of NCC.  NCC’s provision for youth and elderly appears to be missing, and it was queried how their strategy fit in with the use of the community centres.  NCC has a duty to be inputting into this process. 


Councillor David Palethorpe commented that the Task and Finish Group would talk to the end users but a chunk of the Group’s work seems to have been taken away by the budget proposals.


The Committee was asked to approve the scope of the Review, noting progress made to date.


AGREED:   That the scope of the Community Centres Task and Finish Group be agreed.


The meeting adjourned at 7.15pm and reconvened at 7.25pm

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