Issue - decisions

Finance Monitoring to 30 September 2020

12/11/2020 - Finance Monitoring to 30 September 2020



2.1               Noted the contents of the report and noted that future reports will set out the actions being taken by Corporate Management Board (CMB) to address issues arising.

2.2               Noted the financial impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the general fund for the financial year 2020/21 as set out at appendix 1 of the report.

2.3               Noted the amendments to the general fund capital programme as set out at paragraph 3.6.1 of the report.

2.4               Approved the use of HRA funds to finance the total development of Belgrave House, if the opportunity arises, as set out at paragraphs 3.7.3 and 3.7.4 of the report.

2.5               Approved the use of £10M of HRA funds, as approved by Council, to deliver the next tranche of ‘street property’ acquisitions, as set out in paragraph 3.7.5 of the report.

2.6               Noted that the Chief Finance Officer will use existing ‘emergency powers to facilitate the virement of funds/budget from the Government Grants received to the Service Budgets as appropriate and available as set out in 3.2.4 of the report.