Issue - decisions

Neighbourhood Model

04/03/2010 - Neighbourhood Model

1.      That Cabinet approves in principle the model for neighbourhood working proposed within this report as a means of improving engagement with local communities and making public services more responsive to their needs.


2.      That any constitutional changes required to implement the neighbourhood model are referred to the Constitutional Review Working Party, for its consideration and to make recommendations to Full Council.


3.      That Cabinet delegates authority to the Director of Environment and Culture, in consultation with the relevant portfolio holder, to take any actions necessary to further refine the model.


4.      That Cabinet notes the financial implications for the council arising from the implementation of the neighbourhood model, as set out in paragraph 4.2.


5.      That Cabinet agrees to receive a further report after a period of experience, review and consultation on the proposed neighbourhood model to monitor its implementation and to agree any amendments to the model that may be required.