Agenda and minutes

No. Item


Welcomes, introductions and apologies pdf icon PDF 185 KB



Cllr Anna King (Co Chair), Pauline Woodhouse (Co – Chair), Bernie Pridgeon (Aquarius), Christine Kent (Aquarius), Neelan Aggarwal-Singh (IHWO), Karolina Zalewska (VOICE Victim Support), Susan Richards (Soroptimists Northampton), Val Dumbleton (Soroptimists Northampton), Aimee Luck (Northampton Rape Crisis), Rachel Packman (Northants Police), Alice morgan (NBC), Rutendo Nyatsine (Zimwomen Association), Danielle Reeves (Blackthorn good Neighbours ), Anjona Roy (Northamptonshire Rights and Equality Council),  Madeline Boyes (Individual)


Louise Musson, Pindy Chahal and Ann Bodsworth

  1. Welcomes, introductions and apologies

Cllr Anna King welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Introductions were made by everyone in the room.

Apologies listed as above.





Minutes and matter arising pdf icon PDF 114 KB


Neelam Aggarwal-Singh to be added to previous meeting as apology.


Correction received from Karlina Zalewska about VOICE:

VOICE provides emotional and practical support to victims and witnesses of crime and their families. The crime does not have to be reported to the police in order for an individual to receive support. The support can be either face to face or over the telephone and can include practical aspects such as personal alarms, help with filling out forms etc. Voice also have a witness care unit for those victims/witnesses who are going through the CJS. Voice supports victims and witnesses of any type of crime, including Domestic Abuse, Sexual Violence, Historical Abuse and many others.


To encourage diversity and self-referrals from individuals, particularly those of un reported crimes.




Aquarius - Bernie Pridgeon


Bernie Pridgeon gave a presentation and conducted a quiz about alcohol awareness.

Bernie explained the definition of alcohol units and the effect of alcohol on both men and women.

Presentation to be emailed to Forum members

Free training is also available for groups.  Go to




International Women's Day


Nisha Mejer gave update on the progress being made for IWD.

Steering group – Anna King,  Liz Carroll Wheat, Vicki Rockall and Nisha Mejer

Application forms to be sent out for stallholders.

Performances and workshops booked.

International Women’s Awards to continue but categories taken away.




Action Plan pdf icon PDF 374 KB


Alice Morgan asked the Forum members  add for the Action Plan.

Following to be added:

Northamptonshire Rape Crisis Week of Action and Domestic Violence Awareness Week.




Community Information Exchange


Northants Fire & Rescue

The Fire Service carried out a presentation on the Community Protection Plan and asking views of the public of what the future of the Fire Service should be. The Service has adopted a more proactive approach and has reduced callout by 42% over 10 years.

Consultation Dates 9 November – 21 December 2016


Running Chai and Chat weekly and starting Walk and Talk every Monday.

Diwali event went successfully.

Northampton Rape Crisis - Week in Action. Promoted heavily on social media. Please share.

Blackthorn Good Neighbours

Brookside Community Hub opens Mondays and Wednesdays.

Invited other communities to use the Hub.


Child Performance Licensing

Cllr King to find out about this issue. Alice Morgan spoke to the lady at County Council who will help and come to the forums. Email can be sent out on request.


International Men’s Day

18th November 11am – 3pm in the Market Square.



Nottinghamshire Police has recognised that misogyny is a Hate Crime. Event being held on 9th December at Booth Lane.


Focus Group – 10th December.


Pauline Woodhouse

Healthwatch conducting a consultation for support services. Advised members to go to website and complete this.


Women’s Aid

Nisha Mejer read out email from Ann Bodsworth. 15 units of refuge accommodation lost in the county, Wellingborough and East Northants have ceased trading. Northampton Women’s Aid is working with the local authority to apply for funding from the DCLG for the existing refuge accommodation in Northampton.


Vulnerable women

This issue was discussed and asked whether to have this as an agenda item for every meeting.  Work has previously been done on this and the next stage needs to be looked at and to discuss whether commissioners may need to be involved.


ACTION: Matter to be discussed with Ann and Debbie Fergusson and to see whether NBC can support. 




Suggestions for items for future meetings


Madeline Boyes talked about the issue of Care Homes closing down and the impact it has on women, in particular those who have lost partners.





Domestic Abuse Week


Domestic Violence - matter to go under Action Plan.




Date and venue for future Forum Meetings

17th January 2017 11:00 – 13:00, The Guildhall, Northampton


Tuesday 17th January 2017 11am-1pm.

Venue: Guildhall, Northampton (Holding Room)