Agenda and minutes
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team Email:
No. | Item |
Welcome, Introduction and Icebreakers PDF 56 KB Minutes: Apologies received from Wiktoria and Lissy. Cllr Anna King is in meetings today but will be joining us later. Started with icebreakers; human bingo and debate game ‘This and That’ to get to know each other. Winners of human bingo: 1. Charlie 2. Louis 3. Tasnim
Youth Update 2018/19 overview by young people Feedback from Youth Summit residential Minutes: Mary, Louis, Tasnim, Zach and Ayo told the new members about the past year and what they have been doing as the youth forum: Holocaust Memorial Day, UKPW, International Youth Day, Heritage Tours. |
Meet the Chief Executive & Leader of the Council CEO George Candler & Cllr Jonathan Nunn Minutes: George Candler (Chief Exec.) talked to the forum about who he is, his previous work in theatre and what his role now as chief executive involves.
Cllr Jonathan Nunn, Leader of the Council, spoke about his background and about what both elected members and officers of the council do and are responsible for. Cllr Nunn talked about coming changes in the council, such as Unitary, and how important the youth forum is for shaping Northampton going forward.
Young people were asked about their thoughts on Northampton: Young people don’t have enough to do. MK have better shops/restaurants. Good vintage shops in Northampton but aren’t often well advertised. Need more online information and word of mouth. Christmas activity and decoration in the town is a positive. Ping Pong parlour
works really well - would like to see more of this with different
The group discussed the towns transport and fed-back positives and criticisms: Some areas don’t have enough provision for the volume of people trying to use the bus, particularly in peak travel times (mornings). Often journeys that need 2 buses or more aren’t synchronised so it means you often miss the 2nd bus. This has improved a little over the past year but still not brilliant. The Chief Exec explained that some initiatives are being explored with the county transport department to tackle these issues.
Council has declared a climate emergency and need young people’s views and ideas.
Community safety raised as an issue. Discussed initiatives in place and additional police resource currently in the town centre. Young people told about, this is a way of reporting crime anonymously to the Police. It cannot be traced back to you so make sure you give as much information as possible as they cannot contact you to ask more questions.
Items to cover in future meetings: · Northampton Forward · Climate Emergency · Youth Activity
Tour of the Guildhall Led by Youth Forum Meet the Mayor Minutes: Mary led the forum on a short tour of the Guildhall with support from Louis, Zach and Tasnim, finishing in the Mayors parlour. The Mayor, Naz Choudary chatted with everyone and answered questions. The Mayor suggested there is an opportunity to twin with a person from Marburg in Germany (Northampton Twin town), like a pen friend. Action: Aimee to get further information on how you can get involved. |
Lunch Break |
Nominations & Elections Chair and Vice chair role Secretary role Minutes: Every young person put their name forward a role and completed a ballot slip. The results of the Youth Forum election: Chair: Jay Vice Chair: Josh Secretary: Zach
Discussed lanyards and t-shirts to identify young people at events. Forum would like lanyards to show they are youth forum. Action: Aimee to explore.
Minutes: Young People worked in small groups to mind map key issues for young people in Northampton and discussed these as a larger group. Everyone is keen to be involved in the annual events on the action plan and would particularly like to do something around knife crime. Action: Aimee to bring upcoming projects and initiatives to the next meeting that the forum can be involved in a support. Everyone is happy to support an action from last year’s plan (not completed) should this go ahead - an event to educate parents and other adults around social media.
Forum advised that UK Parliament week takes place this month but the planned event has had to be cancelled. Everyone keen to revisit the event along with a possible courts visit in the New Year. Action: Aimee to explore and arrange. |
Youth Activity app Project to develop an app or site for young people Helen and Holly (comms team) Minutes: Unfortunately the Communications Team were unable to attend at the last minute. Action: All forum members to think about how they find out about things to do/youth activities and what the gaps are. If you were designing an app/website/other how would it work. Bring some ideas to future meetings.
Action: Aimee to invite Comms and Digital Team to a future meeting to discuss how we can develop this. |
Next Meeting Thursday 19 December, 4-6pm: Updates and Christmas social. Minutes: Future meetings will take place on Thursday’s during half term. Any additional meetings that take place after school will be on a Monday wherever possible for maximum attendance.
The next meeting is on Thursday 19 December, 4-6pm (Christmas social), meet at the Guildhall.
Upcoming events to note: Holocaust Memorial Day event – Monday 27 January, details to follow. |
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