Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Jeffrey Room, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE.
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team 0300 330 700 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcomes, introductions and apologies PDF 185 KB Minutes: Present: Cllr Oldham (Co Chair CO), Roger Rumsey (Co Chair RR), Aimee Luck (AL NBC), Nisha Mejer (NM NBC), Sue Armstrong (SA Action Support – Scooter to Go), Tony Mallard (TM, NFRA & ERA), Brian Nicholls (BN Individual), Veronica Male (VM Tollers and DAA), Pedro Santos (PS NASS), Liz Fitzgerald (LF NASS), Jennifer Shaw (JS NASS/OCS), Christiana Owusu-Akuffo (COA Individual), Cllr Stephen Hibbert (CSH, NBC), Phil Harris (PH NBC), Madeline Boys (MB Nene Commissioning), John Rawlings (JR Healthwatch).
Apologies: Jeanette Pidgen, Michael Hill, Jacqueline Forrest- Smith, Maureen Hill, Ann Timson, David Hewitt,
RR wished Ann a speedy recovery and hope to see her again soon. |
Minutes and Matters Arising PDF 70 KB Minutes: Matters arising
JS received the following response from NCC Highways regarding Point 8 from the previous meeting:
Northampton Borough Council and Northamptonshire County Council meet regularly to investigate the problems causing any congestion association with the bus station, and the situation is constantly monitored, and as a result revised measures will be introduced to assist in helping the traffic movements in the area over the coming months.
I am unsure what road is being referred to in the suggestion that it should be made two way, if it is Silver Street this forms part of the circulation system of the bus station and making it two way would cause operational problems within the bus station and traffic issues on Greyfriars. In connection with Abington Street, this was opened back up to traffic and the extent of the scheme was agreed and approved by both the Cabinets of the County Council and the Borough Council, no further alterations are being proposed by either Council.
Homelessness - Housing and Wellbeing - Cllr Hibbert and Phil Harris Minutes: SH: NBC opened the nightshelter on 6th February 2017. Many rough sleepers willing to engage with us. We have received lots of support from communities given to the nightshelter. It is working extremely well.
PH: Gave out a presentation about the nightshelter.
Still seeing entrenched rough sleepers in the town centre. Complicated by the number of beggars. Still work in progress.
Cllr Hibbert as well as other councillors is a volunteer. 60 volunteers attending to help. The nightshelter has taught us many things about homelessness. It draws on the community for support.
People beginning to stay over 4 weeks and notice a real change in people in using it. People are learning new positive behaviours.
Supply hospitals mattresses which are washable and very comfortable.
People encouraged to access support services.
If forum members want to attend – please contact Phil Harris on
ACTION: NM to distribute presentation.
What was happening to people who are EU nationals not exercising their rights?
PH: Last Oct somebody died in tent. Some are staying in shelter. But some people chose not to take support. PH responded to the Coroner. We engage and engage with rough sleepers. But will have to take enforcement action if people chose to live in filthy conditions. Our outreach workers receive abuse trying to engage. These are anti-social behaviour.
Worked closely with immigration. The dept will serve EU Nationals with notice and be removed and deported back to their country of origin.
Everyone beginning in the town, has been offered support. We try and get people off the streets before they become entrenched.
Q: Does the nightshelter provide mental health services?
A: Have good links with many services.
Q: It was originally on British Rail land. Who did NBC buy property from? Can Healthwatch attend the premises and report about it?
A: Yes.
Q: How long are you there?
A: Planning permission is for 18 months. Looking to get an extension. The use of volunteers has been a real success.
Q: If it’s only temporary and allowed to move on, what do you do with them? We didn’t see homeless people and rough sleepers in the old days. How do you solve this? A: We recognise the shortage of affordability of housing and this part of the problems. So is the behaviours of some landlords. We are trying to stop this. This is a housing project and is linked to NBC. So housing is the heart of this. Employee attends meetings to find out about housing projects.
Q: What’s the criteria of selection? What does it mean “moving on?” Some people are not able to get affordable housing.
A: Access criteria: Has to be local person or has a close relative. They mustn’t be too high a risk. Eg – no sex offenders allowed due to the fact there is a nursery nearby. People who have history of violence are assessed. The people using the nightshelter must be willing to engage with support services. ... view the full minutes text for item 3. |
Action Support (Scooter 2 Go) - Sue Armstrong PDF 85 KB Minutes: Sue Armstrong gave presentation on Scooter2Go.
Received a partnership grant of £10k to provide the service.
We can report that
the service is going well and operates from L3 of the Mayorhold Car Park in the same place as the
previous service |
Northamptonshire Adult Social Services Minutes: Work on Assistive Technology. Work with electronic technology. Allow people to remain at home as the feel safer with the equipment provided by us.
Anyone can access equipment – can be self-referral. Free assessment. Systems connected to 24 hour service.
Focus on different problems eg Dementia and try to find a solution. Brought in equipment to show forum members. For eg SOS buttons. Can access community and have three emergency contacts.
Can provide door bells hearing systems etc.
Q: Receive phone calls – number of commercial companies. A: We are accredited to a Telecare service (TSA). Have to abide by rules and regulations. People don’t fully understand products which have been supplied by the commercial companies.
If you need equipment you can contact Pedro Santos at
Community News Exchange Minutes: RR: reported back from the PCC meeting. Was very disappointed. Was not given information that was needed.
RR complained about the form and questions used for monitoring purposes. Has since found out that the information is believed to have been sold to everyone else. AL explained that monitoring form is used to make sure that feedback is being received by people from all backgrounds.
AL explained that monitoring is used to make sure people from all backgrounds are represented.
LF: Invited by BBC to take part on a film which should be broadcast in September. ACTION: LF to let NM know about details.
TM: Residents Association (RA) has moved to the Guildhall – we should let other RA group join us. Will have to pay a small fee towards the public liability.
Friends of Eastfield RA – had a kite flying activity. |
Suggestions for Items for Future Meetings or Forum Activities Minutes: Town centre – in particular the under pass by the law courts is filthy. Frequently see broken glass.
ACTION: Invite Cllr Hallam to give update on the Environmental Services survey.
ACTION: AL and NM to invite Stagecoach to a future meeting.
Concerns for Health Services – parking at the hospital.
NGH used have a governing body and JR and RR were both former Governors at NGH. The Governing body used to come together which formed organisations under the Health services. The board was scrapped to save costs. Instead someone has been employed. Will give maximum £5 per day to volunteers. They make it difficult for volunteers and people no longer volunteering.
Any Other Business |
Date of future Forum Meetings 28th September
Minutes: 28th September The Guildhall 1:30 – 4pm. |
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