Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Jeffrey Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE. View directions
Contact: Joe Biskupski, Community Engagement Officer 0300 330 700 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcomes and Introductions Minutes: The Chair and Co-Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting, especially welcomed Amanda Taylor and Wendy Whiting from Northamptonshire Health Care Foundation, who were in attendance to deliver a presentation on the Liverpool Care Pathway.
A warm welcome was also given to Councillor Eldred – Cabinet Member for Community Engagement, Toby Birch (Community Spaces Northampton) and Keith Mitchell (NBC) who were in attendance to update the forum on Item 4 of the agenda – Northampton’s Community Centres- Update. |
Apologies from people who cannot make it to the meeting Minutes: An apology was received from J Smith |
Minutes of meeting of 21 March 2013 and matters arising PDF 122 KB Please use the link below to view the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the previous Pensioners Forum meeting held on the 21st March 2013 were agreed by the Chair. |
Northampton's Community Centres - update · Councillor Brandon Eldred (Cabinet Member for Community Engagement) · Toby Birch (Community Spaces Northampton) · Keith Mitchell (Northampton Borough Council) Minutes: Keith Mitchell (NBC) have an overview of the Community Centres within Northampton. It was explained that there were 21 community centres in Northampton, 19 of which had already been transferred to the third sector. It was explained by the representative from Community Spaces Northampton, that there had been a concerted effort to move away from regarding the centres as just ‘buildings’ by making them the focus of community life. It was also explained that there reason for the transfer was not principally as a cost saving measure but that it was a rededication of building and resources to the local people. It was noted that the charges at a number of community centres had not been changed in recent years and the options were being explored to prevent any rise in charges but that this may not possible, although there would not be a dramatic increase in prices, should there be an increase in future. In response to a question, Councillor Eldred, the relevant Cabinet Member, explained that he could not envisage a situation whereby no one would volunteer to run the community centres as he explained that they had been inundated with enquiries and applicants wanting to take over the running of the centres. |
Liverpool Care Pathway · Amanda Taylor (Northamptonshire Health Care Foundation)
Minutes: Amanda Taylor - Northamptonshire Health Care Foundation outlined to the forum the principle goals of the Liverpool Care Pathway. It was noted that the pathway was developed in the late 1990’s to transfer the Gold Standard of care delivered in hospices which would be rolled out across all hospitals. It was explained that the majority of people who had been questioned about where they wanted to pass away was either at home or in a hospice and that the principle of the Liverpool Care Pathway (LCP) was to ensure that where possible the high standard of care would be given to people in the last few days of their lives wherever they pass away. It was noted that the job of the staff of the LCP was to ensure that those who were living their last days out would be treated with care, respect and dignity and it was explained that people on the pathway would still be administered food and drink, contrary to information published in the press.
In response to a questions raised, it was explained that hospitals were being paid to put people on the LPC to explore the use of financial incentives for using LCP as it was regarded as being of the highest standard, and explained that prior to a person being put on the LCP they would have to be reviewed. It was also noted that LCP was specifically for people who were experiencing the last days of their lives and not for those who had been diagnosed as being terminally ill. It was noted that 20 major organisations and charities had endorsed the LCP and the forum were informed that regular audits were undertaken and explained that people on the LCP were treated with care, dignity and control.
A number of hand-outs were distributed which gave a more thorough explanation of the LCP and the options available to those who were seeking further information and clarification.
The Chair thanked the representatives from the LCP for attending the forum meeting and their presentation.
Community News Exchange Minutes: None |
Any Other Business Minutes: It was noted that the National Pensioners Convention had launched a double petition against Intergenerational Foundation which had bandied the notion that there was an amount of age discrimination, as older people were being given bus passes, whilst young people were not given the same rights.
It was agreed: that a representative from Stagecoach be invited to attend a future meeting and that the relevant Portfolio Holder from the County Council be invited to a future meeting. |
Suggestions for Items for Future Meetings or Forum Activities · Housing o Housing Stock Transfer o Sheltered Housing
· Transport o Traffic flows in the town centre o Changes to bus timetables o Bus station redevelopment & subsequent road closures o Railway station redevelopment
Minutes: It was agreed that the following items be discussed at the meeting to be held on the 12th September 2013:
· Northampton General Hospital · “Bedroom Tax”
It was agreed that the following items be discussed at the meeting to be held on the 31st October 2013:
· Transport · Housing Stock Options |
Date and venues of the next Forum meeting · 2pm on Thursday 12 September 2013 in the Jeffery Room
Minutes: The dates of the next meetings would be the 12th September 2013 and then 31st October 2013. The likely venue would be the Jeffery Room but this may be subject to change. |
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