Agenda and minutes
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team 0300 330 7000 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcome, introductions and apologies Minutes: Apologies: Lucy Somers (IDid)
Cllr King (co-chair), Matthew Toresen (co-chair), Phil, Damian, Aimee (NBC).
Anna welcomed everyone to the meeting and apologised for the rescheduled meeting date. |
Minute and Matters arising Additional documents: Minutes: Minutes agreed as an accurate reflection of the last formal meeting.
Matters arising: Lesbian Line is still being operated but is not actively involved in meetings at this time. |
Action Plan Minutes: Cllr King gave an overview of the action plan: The Straight Allies project has been going for 3 years and is still going strong. This continues to be promoted at various community events.
The forum hosted an LGBTQ Pride event in May in Northampton twinned with Northampton, Massachusetts for a live link up. Looking to build on this next year.
World Aids Day is the next event on the forums calendar; Saturday 1 December. Action: Arrange red ribbons for the day. A discussion took place around moving the time
of the event to later when more people are around and candles are
more impactful. Look at holding at 5pm instead of midday on the
Guildhall steps. Forum would like to use uplighters to light the
building up in red for the event. Damian offered to support with
this. Forum would like to arrange a social event to follow, suggestion of the Mail Coach or Phipps. Action: Cllr King to contact Allaric to discuss- complete. Phipps have confirmed they can host the social following the civic ceremony.
Discussions around sharing the message about keeping safe and preventative measures. Damian offered to share some contacts for literature to help and advise people. Action: Damian to send contacts to chairs.
Conversations took place about LGBTQ social venues and Pride events. Difficulty with having one LGBTQ venue is that there is no competition, no need for them to try to work with community. Umbrella Fair have suggested in the past that they are keen to open the space for regular pop up LGBTQ nights. |
Community Information Exchange Lucy Somers- I Did Adventure Minutes: Hate Crime Awareness Week:13-20 October. The Equality Allies launch will take place on Tuesday 16 October at 12pm in the court room at Guildhall. Everyone is welcome to attend and collect an Allies badge and some information. Services offered space to display information and there will be cake and refreshments.
Q Film weekend event is due the first weekend in November again showing a variety of LGBTQ films.
Q Word; last Thursday of every month at Cheyne walk club, 8pm.
NBC will be launching a new website towards
the end of the month and departments are having to update pages and
remove old information. The LGBTQ web page currently has 3 pages of
information, much is no longer relevant. Members are asked to
feedback on what needs removing and adding. Forum suggested adding links to social and support in the town that is currently missing, Q film/Q word and Lowdown, including info for under 18’s services.
Action: Forum to look at webpage and feedback on what info needs to be on there and what can be removed. Deadline Friday 19 October.
Any Other Business |
Items for Future Meetings |
Date Of Next Meeting Minutes: Tuesday 11 December (Social meeting)– venue tbc (Phipps suggested). Action: Aimee to look at budget for snacks.
Meeting closed 7.40pm |
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