Agenda and minutes
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team 0300 330 7000 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcome, introductions and apologies PDF 185 KB Minutes: Present: Cllr Anna King (Chair), Matthew (VIN, co-chair), Aimee (NBC), Cllr Zoe Smith, Leo, Lynn, Mandie, Luisa (NIFF), Alice (NBC), Sam (Police).
Apologies: Lene (NPACT) Paula.
Cllr King welcomed everyone to the first forum meeting of 2018. |
Minutes and matters arising PDF 66 KB Minutes: An amendment was made to the last minutes under Item 8 ‘Community Information Exchange’. The LGBT book club at The Lamplighter takes place on the last Thursday of each month, not the first. |
NMAG Project - Alice Morgan Minutes: Alice Morgan gave the forum an overview of the current developments at the Museum. The museum is currently closed for renovations and is due to re-open at the end of 2019. The new museum aims to be more community focussed than previously and a temporary exhibition space has been proposed for the opening titled, “We Are Northampton” which would consist of user created content. Alice is looking for feedback and information from community members about what they would like to see in the exhibit should it progress from the development stage. A draft questionnaire was circulated to the present forum members for feedback and many shared their thoughts and ideas with Alice.
Q: What are the timescales for the project? A: The project is being developed over the next year and will hopefully be the first exhibition on the museum’s re-opening, lasting for 6 months if the proposal is accepted.
The police history for Northampton is archived and includes a display of the Infamous of Northampton which might be of interest. It was suggested that, if they are not already working in partnership, then it would be good to involve the curator of the Police museum.
Cllr King suggested the project, including the police history, could be linked with Heritage Weekend activities.
Alice has begun capturing stories from people in the community. Forum members suggested looking into a book of Northampton Hospital memoirs and information and history from St Andrews, Forgotten Fairy tales book, as well as possible ‘living legends’ that could be contacted to capture their stories. Alice thanked the forum and will follow up on these.
Q: Is the project particularly interested in LGBTQ history? A: Yes, Alice is attending all forums to collect a diverse range of views and ideas for the project to capture and exhibit the many different groups of Northampton. Zoe informed everyone that the first openly LGBT MP was from Northampton and a discussion took place on other famous people who were born or lived in Northampton and how they could be incorporated into the project.
Focus Groups will be taking place next week on Wednesday 31st January and Thursday 1st February, if anyone is interested in taking part there are still spaces. Information was previously sent to the forums regarding this and how to get involved.
Zoe mentioned the Overview and Scrutiny Panel for Culture and Tourism is ongoing and could be relevant to the project. ACTION: Zoe to forward information and links to Aimee to circulate to the group.
The presentation has been attached, and includes the draft questions. Should you wish to provide feedback please contact Alice Morgan on
Hate Crime reporting - Luisa Jepson Minutes: Luisa explained that the Crane project was set up as a collaborative project between Northampton Inter Faith Forum (NIFF) and Northampton Rights and Equality Council (NREC) and funded by Northampton Borough Council. The project seeks to collate information on the reality of hate crimes experienced in Northampton, raise awareness of what constitutes a hate crime and how to report this, as well as providing support to victims in progressing their reports should they wish to. Luisa circulated the current reporting form that they use which has recently been revamped to make it simpler and faster to complete, but captures the important information. The information is then passed anonymously to the Police and ensures general action can be taken to reduce or prevent future occurrences. The Crane project includes delivering training to create 3rd party reporting centres and this system is working particularly well with community groups who often feel uncomfortable talking about their experience outside of their groups.
Luisa has recently trained NBC staff in the Community Safety and Engagement Team to take reports and each forum is now a 3rd party reporting centre. Forum members are reminded that they can approach officers at any forum meeting to help them complete a form.
Q: Do bus providers
or taxi drivers take part in A: It is part of the County wide Strategy to look at doing this. Anna suggested this is something NBC could support in terms of the taxi driver training. ACTION: Anna to ask Ian Ellis if hate Crime Training could be incorporated into new taxi drivers training.
The project was well received by members with it being commented that routes to report are generally easy to find within institutions but it is hard to know what to do outside of an organisation. Matthew suggested the information could be disseminated out to LGBTQ groups and venues such as The Boston, to give general public information on where to report/get support.
Anna suggested some information on The Crane project could be displayed at Holocaust Memorial Day event on Wednesday 24 January. ACTION: Luisa to send any information for the event to Aimee. |
Community Information Exchange Minutes: The LGBTQ Meet Up group, on Facebook and Google meet ups, has been quiet over the Christmas period but is picking back for the new year and has been very positive and well attended so far. They arrange a range of activities including food and drink, exercise, socialising and entertainment.
Anna asked Zoe how we could engage with the group to promote the LGBTQ Forum. The LGBTQ offer in Northampton could be improved along with communication between groups and externally, perhaps under an umbrella such as ‘Q Northampton’. There could be benefits to setting up a subgroup through the Forum or looking at a ‘Scrutiny style’ approach to determine what is currently on offer, what is missing and to explore what is on offer elsewhere.
LGBTQ book club ‘Q Word’ has moved to Cheyne Walk Cub.
Partnership Grant Funding is now open for application if any organisations would like to apply for some funding. There will also be a Partnership Showcase event taking place on Monday 29 January, 3.30pm to 5.30pm at The Guildhall where projects funded over the past year will be displayed along with information and guidance for applying for this year’s funding, an opportunity to look at artists impressions of the forthcoming museum.
Please see below information from Lene who could not be at the meeting: QTiO is now up and running and can be found at Northants Trans Forum needs members and is open to all queer/trans people over 18. There is a Facebook group of the same name. NPACT is changing to ‘NGender’. The group has changed over the last couple of years and is increasingly connecting with trans people, other family members and friends. The consensus is that the group needs to be proactive in offering support to those who struggle to accept their loved ones transition, as well as those who happily accept and support it. You can contact NPACT/NGender on |
Any Other Business Minutes: Anna noticed that the Action Plan had not been included in the Agenda pack. ACTION: Aimee to circulate the Action Plan to forum members with the minutes.
Key events for the LGBTQ Forum were discussed and it was agreed the forum will continue with Qstage at the Umbrella Fair and IDAHO. ACTION: Aimee to circulate email asking who would like to be involved in Qstage.
Anna informed the group that the LGBTQ Partnership would be hosting the ‘I’m Still Me’ conference again this year, date to be confirmed. The venue will be Angel Square. This year IDAHO falls on Mayor Making day so the civic event will need to be coordinated to fit around the ceremony. It was suggested that this could be advantageous for increasing the attendance of all councillors to IDAHO. Forum members were keen for there to still be an after event so that the occasion does not fall flat. Phipps Albion Brewery was suggested as a venue option and that the next forum social should take place there to allow members to visit ahead of IDAHO event. ACTION: Matthew to contact Phipps Albion Brewery with view to arranging IDAHO celebrations and the next social meeting. |
Items for Future Meetings |
Date Of Next Meeting Minutes: The next meeting will be the LGBTQ social meeting on Tuesday 13 March 2018, venue tbc. |
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