
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team  0300 330 7000 e-mail:  forums@northampton.gov.uk

No. Item


Welcome, introductions and apologies


Present: Matthew (VIN, co-chair), Aimee Luck (NBC), Lene (NPACT, QTiP), Anna, Rachel (NCC), Philip, Jemma (UON SU), Solomon (NHFT), Alan (NHFT), Ian (UFO), Rachel (Sports4Fitness), Toby (CSN), Bruce (UON) and several students from University of Northampton and University of Warsaw, Poland.

Apologies: Cllr Anna King


Co-chair Matthew introduced himself and gave apologies for co-chair Cllr Anna King.
The group of Polish exchange students were welcomed to the meeting and a reminder was issued regarding photography permissions. One member advised he did not wish to be photographed.


Minutes and matters arising


Minutes from the last formal meeting in May were made available to the group but the meeting was moved on due to a delayed start and a full agenda. Anyone wanting to suggest amendments to previous minutes can email Aimee.


Community Spaces Northampton


Toby Birch (CSN) gave the forum an overview of CSN, how it has evolved and what is happening currently across the 8 community centres.


ACTION: Aimee to circulate information sent by Toby about CSN to the forum.


Q: What could the spaces be used for?

A: The centres are open to a range of activities bearing health & safety in mind.


Q: What kind of yearly budget do the centres have?

A: CSN is a charity, all profit goes back into the centres including staffing costs and building maintenance.


Contact details for CSN:

01604 408365



UON Polish exchange


Bruce Patterson introduced the Polish students who are here as part of an exchange between University of Northampton and University of Warsaw, with a particular focus on hate crime. The students are working on a hate crime survey whilst they are here and spoke about work they doing back home to support LGBT Students.

The students described high levels of hate speech and disapproval. The LGBT community in Poland is not united and there are tensions between different groups, for example between gay/lesbian groups and transgender groups. There are often right wing demonstrators on or around campus.

The students’ Equality group aims to help people to be and feel safe at University.


There was an appreciation for how fortunate we are in the UK, despite things being far from perfect.


Q: How could we as a forum support you [Polish students] in your aims?

A: Supporting the group and showing agreement in gender and queer studies being “real science” subjects that are cared about by the International community.


Q: Are young people the voice for change in Poland?

A: Not really. Most of those who protest and demonstrate are in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s.


Some discussion took place around the issue of faith and religion regarding LGBT acceptance. One forum member reminded the group that there are religious groups who welcome and accept the LGBT community although these are often quite small.

Polish students agreed that there are similar ‘pro-choice’ movements in Poland although these are also small.


ACTION: Bruce to share data from the hate crime survey being conducted through the Polish exchange. Aimee will circulate this among community forums.


Transgender Day of Remembrance - 20th November


Lene Ballantyne spoke about setting up Northamptonshire Parents/Carers of Transgender Children, NPACT, 18 months ago and their plans for setting up QTiP, Queer Trans Inclusion Partnership. The group are looking to make positive changes in the county including trans-inclusive spaces, improvements in departments and sectors for non-cis people and education around gender and language.


Interest expressed in supporting and working with NPACT from the group.


ACTION: Aimee to put Lene in touch with Rachel (Sports4Fitness) and Toby (CSN) who would like to work together and support QTiP.


Cllr Cooley (NCC) asked for advice on questions she could ask when visiting a school to find out how trans-inclusive it is.

A: Ask to see the Equality policy. It is important to know the schools views and beliefs and what training is offered to staff.


ACTION: Lene to forward any information to Aimee for distribution to forum.


World Aids Day- 1st December


There will be a civic ceremony at midday for World Aids Day on Friday 1st December. This will be advertised as part of the ’16 Days of Activism’ campaign being co-ordinated by NBC and partners.


Update from Social


The last social took place at the Wig and Pen and was enjoyed by all those who attended.


Community Information Exchange


The Lamplighter hosts an LGBT book club on the first Thursday of each month and an LGBT film club on the second Monday of each month for anyone wishing to attend.


Q-Film Weekender 3 day film festival will be taking place at the Errol Flynn between Friday 20th and Sunday 22nd October, showcasing LGBT films.


Umbrella Fair – Festival in August was well attended.

Kids growing strength to strength project underway.

365 media campaign will be a programme of events, doing something every day, which will start in October/November.

UFO are looking to develop an LGBT space and welcome ideas for this.

Ian invited the polish students to the volunteer party at the Pavilion on Saturday.


Hate Crime Awareness Week: A vigil will be held outside All Saints church on Wednesday 18th October


Aimee asked for support from the forum for NBC’s LBGT Staff and Allies Network (NBC) who will be hosting a stand for staff on Wednesday 11th October for National Coming Out Day. If anyone has any information they would like on display please contact Aluck@northampton.gov.uk.




Any Other Business


Items for Future Meetings


Date Of Next Meeting


Tuesday 14th November – social meeting, venue tbc