Agenda and minutes
Venue: The Holding Room, The Guildhall, St. Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE.
Contact: Partnerships and Communities Team 0300 330 7000 e-mail:
No. | Item |
Welcomes, introductions and apologies Minutes: Present: Martin De Rosario (Co Chair), Rachel Clements (RC Sports4Fitness), Beverley Mannell (BM NBC Tenant), Toby Birch (TB Community Spaces Northampton), J Forrest-Smith (JFS Individual), Gill rice (GR Individual), Carl Weininger (CW Northants British Polio Fellowship), Jennifer Shaw (JS NASS/OCS), Anne Breach (AB Guide Dogs), Jane Thompson (JT Guide Dogs), Graeme Wilson (GW Northamptonshire Sport), Tracey Thomson (TT Northamptonshire Partnership homes), Nisha Mejer (NM NBC), Aimee Luck (AL NBC)
Apologies: Liz Fitzgerald, Rufia Ashraf, Larry Barber, Barbara Barber, Julie Davenport, Cllr Larratt |
Minutes and Matters Arising Minutes: CW requested for Nene CCG to attend at a future meeting. NM and AL to contact Lorraine Day. |
Nominations for Co - Chair Minutes: The forum thanked MD for the work does as Chair for the last year.
MD was voted in to be Chair again for the next year. |
Toby Birch - Community centres Minutes: TB gave a presentation about Community Spaces Northampton (CSN). There are 8 community centres supported by CSN and saved NBC £725,000 over 5 years. The centres are open to all except to groups that inspire hate.
Have had to deal with funding cuts over the years so therefore introduced small charges to organisations.
Please contact TB on 01604 408365 for further information.
ACTION: NM to send presentation.
Q: How long are the leases? A: 30 years old.
Q: Have you thought about having a charitable shop to help raise funds? A: Yes looking into this.
Northamptonshire Partnership Homes - Tracey Thomson Minutes: Spring Boroughs awarded £20k. Want to deliver an outdoor gym, structured exercise sessions and inclusive. Spring Boroughs in town centre near St Catherine’s House. Developing scheme at the moment.
Launched in August, gym will be ready later in the year.
Met with GW to discuss what equipment is needed for people with disability.
TT would like to know more advice from service providers. Please contact TT if anybody can help.
Have delivered family fun days with Trilogy, doing health walks etc. Plans for yoga sessions and helping vulnerable people. Indoor curling sessions to be delivered in coffee mornings. Working for First for Wellbeing.
Please contact TT if anybody has anybody who wants to help.
CW: Polio group would like to give advice.
JS: NASS would like to link in.
BM: Good idea to encourage other groups. Looking at Paralympics – should support this.
CW: How would groups benefit from funding? A: Sessions are free. Will have to charge eventually a nominal fee.
Minutes: AL: Attendance is increasing for the forum. New logo created and will be circulated.
HCAW: Steering group set up to coordinate activities. Afternoon tea in 18th October.
Disability Awareness Week: Looking at town centre location 3rd December.
Community Information Exchange Minutes:
BM: Challenge the NBC policy who have disability and the policy in tree maintenance. Resident in Kingsthorpe renting council but has to pay for tree maintenance. Was quoted £1400 to have tree taken down. Would like the policy to be reviewed. Should be part of Enterprise contract. Chief Executive out this in place and is unfair in my opinion.
2014 Council tenancy was changed.
Received Care and Repair letter – quote for 2 tress was £480 + VAT
CW: Why just trees?
BM: Lots of trees have flourished and huge challenge to keep them maintained.
CW: Can get complicated who is responsible tree.
ACTION: NM spoke to MD and BM to write a letter explaining the situation so that it can be looked into.
CW: Has been bomb scares in Northampton. Possibility that this could happen and disabled people who are more vulnerable. Any awareness to support people with disability would be appreciated.
RS: Tomorrow Pavilion party for Umbrella Fair supporters.
BM: Hate Crime – close to Racecourse. Concern for travellers creating problems. Good idea to raise this for Hate Crime Week. Want adequate fencing. People feeling threatened especially disabled people. NBC needs an action plan to stop them coming into parks.
CW: PCC answered questions – there are new laws in place to deal with travellers.
BM: The travellers should not be allowed free facilities.
CW: Local Health authority - 20th September NGH have AGM at Cripps Centre. 6pm.
GW: The Northants Special Olympics team containing athletes from Northampton won 26 medals at the National Games held in Sheffield during August.
St Andrews Healthcare are running an event on the 10th October 5:30 – 7:30pm which will focus on ways people can improve their mental health at work. See flyer attached for more details.
An increasing number of people with disabilities & sensory impairments are taking part in Northampton parkrun every Saturday, but they’d like more. See the flyer attached for more details about parkrun & follow this link to find out how to register to take part.
A new resource has been produced by the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS) to help disabled people find out how they can get involved in physical activity. The resource is attached.
EFDS have also produced a resource for activity providers to help them understand about Personal Budgets & how to encourage disabled people to use them to get active.
Items for Next and Future Meetings Minutes: MD asked for cuts on disability to go on next meeting. RC to send contact details group.
NM: NLT to attend next meeting. |
Date of the Next Meeting 17th November 2017 10:30am – 12:30pm Minutes: 17th November 10:30am – 12:30pm |
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