Issue - meetings


Meeting: 17/10/2018 - Cabinet (Item 2)

2 Minutes pdf icon PDF 75 KB

The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th September 2018 to be agreed subject to the following amendment:


Item 8: North West Relief Road


“Mr Cross, spoke as Chair of the Whitehills and Spring Park Residents Association (WASPRA) and stated that the residents were in support of the relief road, but urged the Council to ensure that this would not become an ‘orbital road’. He further stated that WASPRA had calculated from a Freedom of Information request statistics provided by NCC Highways that there would be an 87% increase in traffic flowing west to east along Brampton Lane when the Northern Relief Road was opened.  Without a separate orbital road, this would be traffic chaos for Kingsthorpe North, on top of the congested roads experienced and Northampton would become impenetrable due to congestion on urban roads”.




The minutes of the meeting held on the 12th September 2018 were agreed subject to the amendment set out on the agenda.