Issue - meetings

Corporate debt - Progress and Age debt analysis

Meeting: 15/01/2018 - Audit Committee (Item 11)

11 Corporate debt - Progress and Age debt analysis pdf icon PDF 511 KB

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The Revenues & Benefits Technical Manager Financial submitted a report which sought consideration of the corporate debts as at 30th November 2017. It was noted that the overall outstanding Council tax arrears as at the 30th November 2017 was £333k less that at the same point the previous year. The Members’ attention was drawn to table 2.43 of the report which listed the top 20 high value arrears cases for Business Rates (NNDR). It was further reported that there had been a slight increase in former tenant arrears and an increase in the number of Housing Benefit Overpayments, the increase being in line with the national trend for overpayments. The Revenues & Benefits Technical Manager explained that the overall outstanding Sundry Debts had increased which was primarily due to 2 Section 106 invoices which remained outstanding.




That the latest position in relation to the Council’s outstanding debts as at the 30th November 2017 was noted.