Library homeScrutiny Review EIAs
Independent Living Strategy
Child Sexual Exploitation
CIA - Culture and Tourism
Commissioning Framework for the Voluntary and Community Sector
Community Impact Assessment - Scrutiny Panel 1 - Impact of the Welfare Reform Act
Cost of Consultants
Councillor Empowerment Fund Scheme
Customer Services 2012
EIA Dementia Friendly Town
Emergent Core Joint Strategy
Hate Crime
Health Check of the Local Economy CIA
Homelessness (Pre-Decison Scrutiny)
Homelessness and Rough Sleepers
Impact of Anti Social Behaviour on the Town CIA
Impact of the Move of the University
Improving the Town's Parks - EIA
Improving the Town's Parks Scrutiny Review (EIA)
Independent Living Strategy
Infrastructure and Section 106 Agreements
Interpersonal Violence
Keep Northampton Tidy CIA
Lease that Northampton Borough Council has with Northampton Town Football Club, the contractual arrangements between Nor
Management and Regulation of Private Sector Housing (Including HIMOs) Scru
More Facilities for Older Children EIA
Museum Trust (Pre Decision Scrutiny)
Neighbourhood Model
Northampton Post Unitary CIA
Parking Working Group CIA
Poverty in the Town
Retail Experience EIA
SCRUTINY PANEL 3 Effectiveness of Enforcement of Licensing Policy in respect of Taxis and Private Hire
Scrutiny Review - Serious Acquisitive Crime, violent crime and community safety EIA
Serious Acquisitive Crime/Violent Crime/Community Safety
Sheltered Housing and Housing Options for Older People
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