Agenda item

Draft Budget for 2010-11 to 2012-2013

Members are asked to comment on the draft budget for 2010-2011 to 2012-2013


Gavin Chambers, Head of Finance and Assets, advised that the 2010-2013 draft budget was currently out to consultation.  The budget would then be presented back to Cabinet and Council for approval post-consultation.  This year, the same process as previously had been adopted for consulting Overview and Scrutiny on the Council’s proposed budget.  The Reporting and Monitoring Working Group would have been asked to select the issues from the budget proposals for each Overview and Scrutiny Committee but this meeting of the Reporting and Monitoring Task and Finish Group did not take place due to the inclement weather at that time.


Chris Cavanagh, Head of Regeneration, confirmed that Francis Fernandes, Borough Solicitor, had advised the Chair that due to the sensitivity of the issues and an agreed consultation process, it would not be possible for officers to reveal details of budget saving consultation proposals at this stage.  Chris Cavanagh advised that he was currently in discussions with staff regarding the details around the options regarding the restructure of the Regeneration Department.  It was reported that it is possible that some of the Committee’s questions might relate to individuals, as some posts are only specific to one post etc, in which case such questions could not be answered at this stage.


The Committee queried how comfortable the Council was that the proposed restructure would not impact on the regeneration of the town Chris Cavanagh advised the Committee that that the report had been driven by the Council’s overriding need to make savings on its general budget.  In terms of Regeneration and Development, a focus on delivery had been adopted in terms of finding options and focus on Council priorities.  This had lead to a restructure and focus on delivery of the Council’s priority projects and initiatives.


Sue Bridge, Head of Planning, advised that in respect of the Planning Department, there was an intended minor internal structure to strengthen Planning policy, which will pick up some of the policy work done in Regeneration currently.   Other proposed changes are in respect of income and operational efficiencies.  In response to a query regarding whether the changes would have an impact on planning coming back to the borough, Sue Bridge advised that she had made provision for four additional posts in the establishment, which were not funded this year but were earmarked in reserves, by next year there will be more of a certainty regarding the need for these posts. 


Chris Cavanagh suggested that Heads brief Overview and Scrutiny on details of the restructures and savings proposed presenting to a future meeting of this Committee once the one to one meetings with affected staff have been concluded.


The Committee made comment on two specific proposed options contained in the draft general fund budget 2010-11 to 2012-2013: -


·        Savings for community centres of £170,000 may not be realized due to the work of the Community Task and Finish Group

·        Concerns were conveyed regarding the proposed savings in the Regeneration and Planning and as to whether this might affect the regeneration of the Town Centre which is a priority for the Town.


The Committee further commented that there does not appear to be much substantiveness behind some of the proposals at this stage.  The Committee was disappointed that the Portfolio Holders were not present at this meeting for consideration of this item.


Gavin Chambers advised that should something be taken out as part of the budget consultation process, it would need to be replaced with something else. There is a finite timescale when this process must be completed. The budget papers to Cabinet and Council in February 2010 will show clearly any amendments to the proposals.

The Chair commented on the failure to provide the correct financial information with regard to the proposed savings for Community Centres in the report provided to Committee members. 


AGREED: (1)That Overview and Scrutiny Committee 1 make the following comments on two specific proposed options contained in the draft general fund budget 2010-11 to 2012-2013: -


§         Savings for Community Centres of £170,000 may not be realized due to the work of the Community Task and Finish Group

§         Concerns were conveyed regarding the proposed savings in the Regeneration and Planning and as to whether this might affect progress of Central Area Action Plan and delivery of regeneration of Northampton and essential growth.


                 (2) That details of the proposed savings be presented to a future meeting of this Committee.

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